'And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs
hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those blue caps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur - what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!' - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008)
Just something which I've pondered when I think of how throughout history the oppressive and violent few have been able to oppress, terrorize, and murder the masses with such little opposition.
I have to ask myself are most people, even in the face of terror and death, still afraid to actively engage their enemy in conflict? Or, as terrible as this question may sound to myself, are most of us in general cowardly or merely pacifistic in our inherent nature?
How are cruel and oppressive government regimes able to control, terrorize, roundup, and even murder masses of their own citizens all over the world throughout the ages while the masses go as sheep to the slaughter?
In an age when it has become trendy and even a fad for young people to refer to themselves as warriors, souljas, street soldiers and etc. I'm often surprised at the increasing evidence of selfishness among the young and even the old. Selfishness, according to the ancient Samurai of Feudal Japan and many other warrior cultures, is a sign of cowardice easily observed in others.
The Bushido Shoshinshu of Taira Shigesuke states that the difference between the courageous and the cowardly can be seen in everyday life. One whom is naturally valorous exercises loyalty and devotion to his employer and parents, and if he has any free time he studies and also practices the martial arts. He avoids personal luxury, and disdains to waste even a penny. He is not stingy, however, and spends his money freely when necessary. He has a patient, tolerant attitude in respect to everything else. (And it goes on describing more of the mentality of the courageous...)
As for the cowardly, they merely feign respect for employees and parents superficially, without really caring for them. They do not avoid things forbidden by employers or disliked by parents; they even frequent places they should not go, and do things they should not do. Acting as they please, they habitually nap mornings and afternoons. They hate literary studies, and even if they practice martial arts they do not pursue any of them seriously. They just talk boastfully about skills they cannot really perform.
They are spendthrifts when it comes to useless crazes and fancy dining, but extremely stingy when it comes to necessities. They give no thought to the maintenance of the heirlooms they have inherited from their parents, much less to the replacement of other military equipment.
If they are sickly, they cannot enter active public service mindless of the worry they cause their parents, they overeat, drink too much, and become addicted to sex.
Wearing away yourself and your life like this is something that comes from a weak and immature mind unable to endure and tolerate things. This generally reflects the mentality of a cowardly
Therefore they say the courageous and the cowardly can certainly be distinguished in everyday life.
They even go farther and say that one who is is stingy and selfish shows cowardice in their
mentality. For how can one be expected to lay down and sacrifice the only life that they have to give when they can not even sacrifice their time, money, or material wealth for others? It is believed that altruistic love and generosity go hand in hand with the courageous.
Among many traditional Indigenous people of the Americas we believe 'generosity' and courage both are virtues of a warrior, but for us a warrior is not a killer as in many cultures. A warrior must be ready to defend his family, his liberty, his nation, and his land but native warrior ship is actually the willing campaign against adversity. For Indigenous Natives it's willingly facing and battling adversity with the undying will to prevail. And putting others first before oneself at all costs, including death. It's an altruistic path of selflessness and this requires great courage since it's our human nature to give in to the path of least resistance and be selfish.
Now I consider such wisdoms from various origins and from very old warrior cultures having survived the test of time. I study the epidemic character of the masses of youth in both my own country and countries abroad. I consider history and compare it to the present state of humankind...
Pondering once again this question that plagued me, is it any wonder that throughout history until the present the cruel few have been able to oppress, and even annihilate, the mass majority of humans across the world and across the ages?
by AnDrew Soldier.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
'Thoughts About Our Young Men Today'
"Fathers don't come with a lifetime warranty".
I don't know where I heard this profound statement or exactly when. Unfortunately this is a sad but true statement reflecting the times we live in.
The mother's have the babies so they are left to carry the responsibility while the fathers have the choice to share that responsibility or abandon their descendant/their child, which is a gift from the Creator almighty.
That guy may appear handsome, charming, and masculine but does he have the courage and altruistic love to be a daddy after the romance?
Something our young women should always consider in a guy they have eyes for. But also we parents should consider teaching our sons what truly defines a 'man'. If we don't take the time to instill true manly virtues in our sons they will learn popular culture's idea of a 'man' from mainstream society. And that is a source of many problems in the world today where players, pimps, gangsters, thugs, and womanizers are wrongfully glorified as the pinnacles of manliness in television, movies, and popular music.
We must take time to teach our son's to be real men of responsibility and accountability.
Peace & Many blessings unto you all.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Corporate/Gov. Human Rights Violations And Eco-terrorism Threatening Humanity.
We live under the illusion of freedom and human rights. In fact corporate ran Gov. demonstrates on a
daily basis all over the country and all over the world that they value not innate human rights or the
ecosystem which all life needs to survive but rather they value only money and political power! They
pervert the judicial system, ecosystem, and our innate rights given unto us by our Creator to feed a
lust for money and political power that will not fill their bellies once the water is no longer drinkable,
the soil will no longer produce food, and the air will no longer be breathable!
Authority is suppose to be the voice of reason but what happens when that authority acts
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Strategy of Terror* Black Ops* Destabilize society* Declare State of Emergency*
Massachusetts and the city of Boston have some of the strictest gun laws in the and yet this didn’t stop terrorist from acquiring firearms and building explosives.
Strategy of Terror refers to black operations performed by nefarious groups within the government whom believe that the sacrificing of a few is for a greater good for the many, according to their own beliefs and global agendas. They carry these operations out via ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks meant to appear as the work of our enemies in order to instill shock and fear into a society to create a psychological 'stampede', if you will, to encourage the masses to willingly run straight towards the agenda prepared for them by a government entity.
If a government were to create fear and panic by injecting terroristic actions into society then many would rally to the government's proposal of national disarmament of citizens thus facilitating the next step in their machinations towards Totalitarianism. Disarming citizens would not protect them from crime but is rather meant to ‘defang’ them to facilitate the machinations of a totalitarian government which hides its face behind a mask of democracy until it is safe to remove that mask...Once its citizens have been ‘defanged’. So a strategy of terror could very well be the catalyst needed to coerce citizens by fear into throwing themselves at the mercy of their government.
Currently defanging citizens seems to be a trend being followed by many of the governments of the United Nations: Engaging in the disarmament of private citizens, even if a Strategy of Terror via ‘false flag terrorist attacks’ must be used to lead them into willingly accepting such 'de-fangment'.
First the U.K., followed by Australia, and now recently the U.S. government is pushing the issue here in North America. Met by strong opposition by certain Constitutional Rights advocates, such as the N.R.A., it would seem that ‘strategy of terror operations’ via false flag terrorist attacks, like the U.S. intelligence community once engaged in during the Cold War Era in Europe known as Operation Gladio, would be effective in swaying the masses to relinquish the power of the people and give absolute power to their government.
Fear is a great tool in manipulating the human mind, will, and emotions. Fear is how every great totalitarian government or dictatorship rose to power throughout world history, by swaying the mind, will, and emotions of the masses. And once they disarmed their citizens they were able to carry out their plans through military prowess and naked aggression.
Would they engage in terrorist false flag operations to destabilize society, sway the hearts & minds of the masses, and facilitate their agendas? In war generals will intentionally sacrifice a portion of their soldiers to achieve their overall objective, much like a Chess game, and this is considered acceptable losses. They're casualties of war.
So would governments with such a mindset engage in such Machiavellian type machinations against their own civilian populations? History says 'absolutely', because it's been done before and many times since!
Historically when a government sought to disarm it's populace from having the ability to defend itself from military/government aggression that populace (Country) without fail suffered a Totalitarian Revolution resulting in the oppression, if not genocide, of particular groups within that very country.
Let me close with this, "History is a revolving door." Those whom refuse to learn from it are destined to suffer from her most devoted and uncouth students.
Them being possessed with the unquenchable thirst for power. While absolute power corrupts absolutely.*
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
'P.T.S.D'...by Andrew Soldier. 23 July 2013...Hoo-ah.
Will I ever be the same again
Sleepless nights and listless days
Like a broken record my memory it plays
Creaking shadows and hyper senses
Frustration with communication
Always repeating sentences
Engorged on misery and drunk on sorrow
I don't give a damn if I ever see tomorrow
When I crash out I see my mini-me
Holding hands with my little angel
But I waken to tears on my face
And my voice feels strangled
Weight upon my chest
Pain within my veins
A beast in the basement
Straining at the chains
Conversations with myself
I sing cadences for comfort
Can't trust myself out among a crowd
Hard to relax myself, because noises seem too loud
At times I try to calculate the sum of my worth
At times I ask Creator why I ever survived birth
Use to feel alive
Now all I feel is numb
Was once somebody
Now I'm just a bum
Will I ever be the same again
So alive and full of smiles
Can I ever feel the same again
Sunday, July 7, 2013
'Demilitarization of the Martial Arts'. by Andrew Soldier.
The contemporary martial arts today as we know them have descended from systems of ancient battle field close combat and military hand to hand combat. Over the centuries, however, they have been modified for civil, legal, or humanitarian reasons with the result being the 'de-militarization' of most contemporary martial art systems as we know them today.
Some of the original systems still exist, though it is rare, in their original or close to original system of technique and training. For example, Muy Thai Chaiya still exists as the grandfather to the combat sport of Muy Thai Boran (Thai kickboxing). Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, Chinese Chin Na, and Shui Jiao still exists as the ancestors to the demilitarized Japanese arts of Aikido, Judo and even Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But also many of the forefather systems that survived until present day have somewhat been modified for civilian self-defense in their application thus making them to a greater or lesser degree 'de-militarized'.
What do we mean by 'de-militarized' exactly? When totality of technique and / or intent has been changed from strictly crippling or killing our attackers in combat to that of civilian self defense, which shall have legal ramifications for one's actions, or a combat sporting arena where maiming, crippling, or killing one's opponent is uncalled for. This constitutes de-militarizing the system and art into something other than it's original nature and practice. To do such renders it into something other than it's original military close combat or hand to hand combat purpose and applications. This completely changes 'everything' about the art or system. Which is also why we see, much to their surprise some contemporary martial artists perform less than expected in a real world hand to hand combat or self-defense situation. Because the art to which they've devoted sometimes years of their time, effort, and resources was quite often modified for the sporting arena and is no longer meant for the frantic, lethal, and often overwhelming odds of real world violence.
I have seen an angry kid on a school yard beat up a tae kwon do black belt simply by means of a pre-emptive, frantic, and highly aggressive flurry of punches. Sometimes speed, surprise, and violence of action is all that is required to prevail. This is why it's propagated so much in military tactical training. Never the less, this does not make this 'flurrying fists of fury' technique a system of reliable hand to hand combat because it served well in that particular instance. Neither does it mean that a sports based, de-militarized, martial art is an effective hand to hand combat / self defense system because a practitioner is able to utilize a strike or throw to deter a single, unarmed, less fit, or undetermined aggressor. Should the average contemporary martial artist find him or herself in many real-world, violent, altercations they would discover they are at some point unequipped by their training for the dynamics of real-world violence which often means facing multiple, usually armed, attackers whom are probably larger and stronger with a high tolerance to pain or physical abuse. This is when a contemporary martial artist becomes disillusioned with all of their training, presuming they survived their attack.
Today across the globe we often see and think of empty hand fighting as being a 'fist' fight where one or both parties attempt to knock down their opponent or attacker with a closed hand punch, quite often to the head or face. The intent is that punching the chin, temple, jaw, or tempro-mandibular joint with the conditioned fist will result in knock out.
Well this is very risky to the structural integrity of the hands, even with conditioning, and it's risks outweigh it's reward. Also, this is less effective and usually less lethal than alternative empty hand strikes. Particularly when one is facing multiple and/or armed attackers in a possible life or death situation. Unless one succeeds at being lucky enough to catch every attacker on the chin, solar plexus, or liver with proper impact to knock out every attacker before they take you down, stab, or club you than one might beat at their attackers for what seems like eternity. While succeeding at little more than enraging one's attackers and trying to survive a brawl without self inflicted mechanical injury to one's hands. If one's attackers have knives than it's a matter of trading punches with your fists vs. their knife stabs or slashes. We need not think very hard to imagine who comes out of that alive.
We have all read stories of martial art black belts or skilled boxers getting stabbed to death. Even trained police officers armed with pistols have succumbed to the grave due to a knife attack from an unskilled aggressor. We've all seen the boxing matches and mixed martial arts' cage fights where two men of equal weight class fight 'one against one' (unarmed) and they beat each other's heads in for what can sometimes seem like eternity without signs of either being deterred by the abuse.
Now imagine if it were one man against four (or more) in that ring, or cage, and now we can imagine that even with all of his training he'd be in trouble if he relied upon using his fists, legs, and feet as percussion weapons to beat his attackers into submission. Or even more foolishly if he tried to go to the ground to grapple multiple attackers in the cage or ring. Now imagine if one of these men is armed with a dagger, knife, or machete! Would boxing with the fists and/or kicking with the legs be most effective in any of those proposed situations against larger and stronger multiple attackers?
Centuries ago when the old martial arts were predominately military combat systems none of the martial arts utilized closed hand, bare knuckle, striking to the hard bony targets of the head and facial targets. First of all in a frantic combat situation, perhaps against armed enemies, the chin is a hard target to catch every time and to miss would leave one's enemy still able to harm or kill. One had to take down their enemy quickly, decisively, and with minimal risk of mechanical injury to one's much needed hands.
We have all seen fights, professional or amateur, where a man can take a great deal of pummeling to the face and head while still continuing to attack or counter attack. And many of us have seen a strong man accidentally catch a finger poke to the eye during a basket ball game and it has an immediate effect upon his ability to continue or do 'anything'. The reaction is immediate and dramatic, as opposed to the reaction of getting clocked in the face or head with a fist. Although some exceptions do exist the finger jab is more efficient and effective.
Some of us have also seen the swift effects of how an open palm slap to the ear drum can cause a man to react very dramatically. Or the effect of an open hand or wrist strike to the neck nerve plexi, or even the throat, when compared to a punch to the face. And most will agree that at close range a sharp elbow can deliver more devastating power and damage than a fist with very little risk of mechanical injury to one's self. This is still utilized in the Filipino, Malaysian, Thai, and Cambodian combat arts quite extensively. Also we see it adapted to the recent Keysi fighting method being propagated as a self defense system. The elbow is both a defensive and offensive weapon capable of much destruction in unarmed combat and much stronger than the metacarpals within the hand.
If one examines the ancient art of Okinawan Toudi, the forefather of what was later de-militarized and renamed as Kara te do by the Japanese, one would see that no fist strikes were ever directed towards the human head or face. Open hand and forearm/wrist strikes were delivered to targets above the shoulders while fists were delivered to the softer targets of the torso. Finger jabs to the eyes were meant to set up more powerful strikes while distracting and maiming. Open palms to ear drums or heel-palms delivered to chin, tmj, steno-mastoid or nose bridge were meant to discombobulate or possible knock out an enemy. The forearm bone strikes could snap necks or create knockout. The knife hand chop to neck would cause knockout. Open ridge hand or knife hand chop to the hyoid bone meant death. Elbow strikes to chin, temple, TMJ, or steno-mastoid would create knock out. The fists were conditioned to break ribs and dig deep into the torso targets rupturing internal organs and causing either a knock out or death.
If one closely examines the old katas of Okinawan Kara Te with an open mind one can see the true intentions of the strikes and movements. They have been hidden and the Bunkai perverted by the old masters for various reasons. Often the true Bunkai was revealed to only the most trusted student and heir to the master's art while the de-militarized form was taught to all of the other students. And then these students went on to open their own schools and so on & on until the world is full of 'masters' of de-militarized arts.
Also, it has happened that because of government decree or for civil laws a master was forbidden to teach the true art and so was forced to de-militarize it (making it less lethal and less effective for real world combat) in order to continue to teach. This is why the old masters use to say that all of the secrets reside in the forms or the katas. They have been hidden there and that is why the old masters placed such high value upon these forms and katas. They were the keys to unlocking the true purpose and application of the arts.
The very little of traditional Hawaiian Lua martial art that exist today incorporates open hand strikes to vital targets above the torso and closed hand strikes below the neck with heavy emphasis upon grappling, redirection of force, and attacking joints & nerves. Much like old style Japanese Jujitsu practiced by the samurai as their hand to hand combat system designed for the battlefield where they were fighting armored and armed enemy in a life or death struggle.
In original Japanese Jujitsu all strikes were delivered to eyes, throat, neck, ears, and limbs for destruction on the battle field. Off the battle field, where opponents were not wearing armor over their torso targets, the samurai utilized punches and kicks to the vital torso targets to disable or knock out an individual they were arresting. But never did they use fists against the hard bony facial targets or head for to do so would mean possible mechanical injury thereby preventing them from properly utilizing their weapons in the future. A samurai whom lost his ability to grip would then be less combat effective and thereby unemployed.
If we compare the history of modern sport boxing, as well as ancient Greek Olympic sport boxing, and even the American colonial blood sport of Fisticuffs with the ancient European empty hand self defense art of Fist y Cuffs we can see the evolution from a very efficient, effective, martial art into a self destructive blood sport for competition and entertainment.
In the original martial art of Fist y Cuffs the practitioner operated much like modern day boxers in evasive movement, blocking, parrying, etc. with the strikes being open handed 'cuffs' to the hard head targets and 'fists' to the softer torso targets.
The jab was utilized as fingers to the eyes followed by palm strikes (cuffs) to the ear drums or chin to discombobulate or possibly knock out an attacker or enemy. Once the finger jab and cuffs were used to close distance and distract or injure an attacker then the hard fist would be delivered to the soft targets of the torso, such as the liver sack, solar plexus, kidneys, ribs, and testes. This was more efficient and effective than the de-militarized blood sport, but left permanent injuries to the eyes and eardrums thus often maiming the defeated.
So for the sake of 'sport' the closed hand was adopted to strike both facial and torso targets, which resulted in less maiming injuries to the receiver but more mechanical injuries to the hands of the striker. So in the ancient Greek Olympic boxing matches they wrapped their hands similar to how they do today in boxing sports over the world. The colonial American fisticuffs matches did not utilize hand wraps because the spectators and gamblers wanted to see more blood and superficial damage caused by the hardened bare knuckles of the fighters. It satisfied their blood lust while extending the length of the fight between two men. This made it very common for professional fisticuffs brawlers to develop very badly damaged hands leaving them almost useless in working a skilled trade. Many were left seriously handicapped after retiring from the fight game and unable to work.
As opposed to bare knuckle fisticuffs boxing for sport, where the fight was meant to last as long as possible for the entertainment of the gambling crowds of spectators, the original self defense art of Fist y Cuffs' purpose was to end a fight as quickly as possible with as little self inflicted injury as possible. In fact this was and is the goal of all hand to hand combat arts.
De-militarizing the martial arts almost always came about for the purpose of modifying the combat arts for 'sport' or to modify them within the parameters of civilian self defense laws. This often happens after a society leaves it's feudal period and enters into it's age of enlightenment and considers itself to be a more 'civilized' society of law and order.
It is understandable that the arts would either have to be outlawed and become entirely extinct or that they would have to be de-militarized in order to still exist in some form lest they be lost completely forever. However in doing so we give up knowledge of great importance in order to maintain a similitude of knowledge. And we have in essence defanged the snake.
For example, all of the open ridge hand strikes to the hyoid bone became closed fist punches to the chin. The finishing technique of an open hand chop to the throat became a hammer fist to the nose bridge. The open left hand finger jab became the closed fist left jab punch. The open palm cuff to rupture the eardrum became a cross punch. We could go on but this is not meant to be an instructional manual but rather an informative dissertation.
The great tragedy is that so many today invest so much time, energy, and money into building up false expectations or developing habits that may not save their life in a real-world violent situation against armed, often multiple, attackers of superior strength. And if experience is the best teacher, quite often the bad guys are very experienced in violence. In the urban areas gangsters and thugs grow up on street violence and fighting until they go to prison and get equivalent to a master's degree in crime, violence, and hand to hand combat facing multiple
(often armed) attackers.
In the military we have a saying, 'Train how we fight'. That applies to all training and no where else more so than self defense. Israeli Commando Krav Maga and Kapap actually do this and they have revolutionized martial art/ hand to hand combat by going back to what 'all' martial arts once were in application of technique. Particularly in striking and hand defense techniques. But there are many other 'civilian' Krav Maga schools teaching a de-militarized form believed to be modified for civilian parameters. If you train to always attack the eyes and throat than you may accidentally find yourself in prison for manslaughter charges as opposed to if you train yourself to 'punch' at your attacker's facial targets with fists. You may break and seriously injure your hands or catch a simple assault charge (maybe aggravated assault) but you're less likely to face manslaughter or second degree murder charges.
Also as an instructor teaching commercialized martial art one must always consider how the training will be used and the character of the individuals whom this training may fall into the hands of, so it's wise to not teach the true military applications of any martial art indiscriminately.
When one is teaching commercially it's a lot more difficult to assess the character of each and every single student. This is why traditional martial arts masters had an outer circle of students, an inner circle, and a close circle before they finally got down to the one single student whom earned the teacher's deepest trust and confidence. That one student would be given the keys to the true art and applications as the master's legacy. Individuals with this knowledge are a dying breed today and most often do not teach commercially.
Much debate today within the martial arts community is about MMA verses TMA. Well, in truth they are not really talking about traditional martial arts because almost all of what we refer to as traditional martial arts is still 'de-militarized' martial arts. And MMA is merely the mixing of these de-militarized contemporary martial arts. In the sporting arena it's better to be cross trained in a variety of de-militarized martial arts as opposed to only one that focuses more heavily upon a single set of skills. However, once you leave the sporting arena the MMA practitioner fares little better than the TMA practitioner in real-world violence against multiple, possibly armed, experienced attackers.
To give my readers a real life example I encourage you to view the video episode of Human Weapon Military Hand To Hand Combat: Israeli Krav Maga. (It's on YouTube) It's not my purpose to promote Israeli martial arts over all others. In fact a few schools of Silat, Kali, Okinawan Kara Te Jitsu, Gung fu, Jujitsu, Aiki Jujutsu, and others still teach efficient, effective, and prudent application of technique for real-world combat. But this particular episode of Human Weapon demonstrates a situation where a champion MMA fighter and a pro NFL football player trained in wrestling and karate are attacked by a single (not multiple) attacker, in a real world scenario with full contact protective gear, and the result are quite sobering for the both of them. They discover that although they are great ring fighters and athletes they don't know anything about self defense.
If you train in TMA or MMA for sport, exercise, and stress relief than you're not missing out on anything and I encourage you to continue. But if you train in these arts with the belief that you're preparing for real-world violence and are training in the same art that the ancient warriors of long ago executed upon the battlefield to survive frantic, lethal, close combat, against multiple and armed attackers than I hope that this has given you much to consider. If it wasn't successful on the battlefield they wouldn't have trained in it but what has happened to that knowledge over the centuries of
de-militarization and cultural revolutions has often left behind only a vague expression of the true combat applications.
Many modern day 'masters' would disagree with much of this because they have too much ego invested into their de-militarized and often commercialized martial art. Again all arts can be useful in a fight, just as playing basket ball regularly will increase ones fitness level and give a distinct advantage over a non-fit attacker in a fight. But to claim that many of the arts are being taught in the last century just as they were trained for and applied originally for real-world combat would be a prevarication. This is the reason why traditional martial arts has lost much of it's respect and on the other end of the spectrum why so many black belts report disillusionment after encountering much experience with the realities of combat in the streets, military, prison, or wherever else.
If you train for tournaments, point fighting, brawling, or de-militarized civil defense than you weaken the integrity of an art and change it's effectiveness for real-world combat defense.
Repetition creates habit and habit dictates character. The character of a warrior preparing for worst case scenarios should be rooted in proper habit reinforced by correct repetition. Because what one programs into muscle memory is what one will do during the stress of combat. And what one practices under stress of simulated combat is how one will respond in actual combat.
So train how you fight and fight efficiently, effectively, and economically. Any instructor of any art that tells their student that a certain technique can cause self destruction to one's hand but not to worry about it because if you're fighting for your life it wont matter, that instructor is not teaching self defense. And that style, system, or art is not self defense.
What good is it to give the attacker a black eye or knock him out only to receive a critical mechanical injury to one's hand and perhaps preventing one from using their phone, accessing their side arm, or driving away in a standard transmission vehicle? What good is it to fight off an attacker or attackers only to receive a life changing self inflicted injury? In the old days just as today, warriors needed to maintain the structural integrity of their hands in order to use their weapons, tools, and perform duties. And if you stop one attacker but cripple your hands then what about the second, third, or fourth attacker. How will you prevail if you've rendered your hands operational ineffective early in the battle? This applies to the defender in the streets, urban battle fields, prisons, jails, or kidnap capitals today as well. What you simulate in training is how you'll react in combat.
Si vi pacem para bellum.
Some of the original systems still exist, though it is rare, in their original or close to original system of technique and training. For example, Muy Thai Chaiya still exists as the grandfather to the combat sport of Muy Thai Boran (Thai kickboxing). Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, Chinese Chin Na, and Shui Jiao still exists as the ancestors to the demilitarized Japanese arts of Aikido, Judo and even Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But also many of the forefather systems that survived until present day have somewhat been modified for civilian self-defense in their application thus making them to a greater or lesser degree 'de-militarized'.
What do we mean by 'de-militarized' exactly? When totality of technique and / or intent has been changed from strictly crippling or killing our attackers in combat to that of civilian self defense, which shall have legal ramifications for one's actions, or a combat sporting arena where maiming, crippling, or killing one's opponent is uncalled for. This constitutes de-militarizing the system and art into something other than it's original nature and practice. To do such renders it into something other than it's original military close combat or hand to hand combat purpose and applications. This completely changes 'everything' about the art or system. Which is also why we see, much to their surprise some contemporary martial artists perform less than expected in a real world hand to hand combat or self-defense situation. Because the art to which they've devoted sometimes years of their time, effort, and resources was quite often modified for the sporting arena and is no longer meant for the frantic, lethal, and often overwhelming odds of real world violence.
I have seen an angry kid on a school yard beat up a tae kwon do black belt simply by means of a pre-emptive, frantic, and highly aggressive flurry of punches. Sometimes speed, surprise, and violence of action is all that is required to prevail. This is why it's propagated so much in military tactical training. Never the less, this does not make this 'flurrying fists of fury' technique a system of reliable hand to hand combat because it served well in that particular instance. Neither does it mean that a sports based, de-militarized, martial art is an effective hand to hand combat / self defense system because a practitioner is able to utilize a strike or throw to deter a single, unarmed, less fit, or undetermined aggressor. Should the average contemporary martial artist find him or herself in many real-world, violent, altercations they would discover they are at some point unequipped by their training for the dynamics of real-world violence which often means facing multiple, usually armed, attackers whom are probably larger and stronger with a high tolerance to pain or physical abuse. This is when a contemporary martial artist becomes disillusioned with all of their training, presuming they survived their attack.
Today across the globe we often see and think of empty hand fighting as being a 'fist' fight where one or both parties attempt to knock down their opponent or attacker with a closed hand punch, quite often to the head or face. The intent is that punching the chin, temple, jaw, or tempro-mandibular joint with the conditioned fist will result in knock out.
Well this is very risky to the structural integrity of the hands, even with conditioning, and it's risks outweigh it's reward. Also, this is less effective and usually less lethal than alternative empty hand strikes. Particularly when one is facing multiple and/or armed attackers in a possible life or death situation. Unless one succeeds at being lucky enough to catch every attacker on the chin, solar plexus, or liver with proper impact to knock out every attacker before they take you down, stab, or club you than one might beat at their attackers for what seems like eternity. While succeeding at little more than enraging one's attackers and trying to survive a brawl without self inflicted mechanical injury to one's hands. If one's attackers have knives than it's a matter of trading punches with your fists vs. their knife stabs or slashes. We need not think very hard to imagine who comes out of that alive.
We have all read stories of martial art black belts or skilled boxers getting stabbed to death. Even trained police officers armed with pistols have succumbed to the grave due to a knife attack from an unskilled aggressor. We've all seen the boxing matches and mixed martial arts' cage fights where two men of equal weight class fight 'one against one' (unarmed) and they beat each other's heads in for what can sometimes seem like eternity without signs of either being deterred by the abuse.
Now imagine if it were one man against four (or more) in that ring, or cage, and now we can imagine that even with all of his training he'd be in trouble if he relied upon using his fists, legs, and feet as percussion weapons to beat his attackers into submission. Or even more foolishly if he tried to go to the ground to grapple multiple attackers in the cage or ring. Now imagine if one of these men is armed with a dagger, knife, or machete! Would boxing with the fists and/or kicking with the legs be most effective in any of those proposed situations against larger and stronger multiple attackers?
Centuries ago when the old martial arts were predominately military combat systems none of the martial arts utilized closed hand, bare knuckle, striking to the hard bony targets of the head and facial targets. First of all in a frantic combat situation, perhaps against armed enemies, the chin is a hard target to catch every time and to miss would leave one's enemy still able to harm or kill. One had to take down their enemy quickly, decisively, and with minimal risk of mechanical injury to one's much needed hands.
We have all seen fights, professional or amateur, where a man can take a great deal of pummeling to the face and head while still continuing to attack or counter attack. And many of us have seen a strong man accidentally catch a finger poke to the eye during a basket ball game and it has an immediate effect upon his ability to continue or do 'anything'. The reaction is immediate and dramatic, as opposed to the reaction of getting clocked in the face or head with a fist. Although some exceptions do exist the finger jab is more efficient and effective.
Some of us have also seen the swift effects of how an open palm slap to the ear drum can cause a man to react very dramatically. Or the effect of an open hand or wrist strike to the neck nerve plexi, or even the throat, when compared to a punch to the face. And most will agree that at close range a sharp elbow can deliver more devastating power and damage than a fist with very little risk of mechanical injury to one's self. This is still utilized in the Filipino, Malaysian, Thai, and Cambodian combat arts quite extensively. Also we see it adapted to the recent Keysi fighting method being propagated as a self defense system. The elbow is both a defensive and offensive weapon capable of much destruction in unarmed combat and much stronger than the metacarpals within the hand.
If one examines the ancient art of Okinawan Toudi, the forefather of what was later de-militarized and renamed as Kara te do by the Japanese, one would see that no fist strikes were ever directed towards the human head or face. Open hand and forearm/wrist strikes were delivered to targets above the shoulders while fists were delivered to the softer targets of the torso. Finger jabs to the eyes were meant to set up more powerful strikes while distracting and maiming. Open palms to ear drums or heel-palms delivered to chin, tmj, steno-mastoid or nose bridge were meant to discombobulate or possible knock out an enemy. The forearm bone strikes could snap necks or create knockout. The knife hand chop to neck would cause knockout. Open ridge hand or knife hand chop to the hyoid bone meant death. Elbow strikes to chin, temple, TMJ, or steno-mastoid would create knock out. The fists were conditioned to break ribs and dig deep into the torso targets rupturing internal organs and causing either a knock out or death.
If one closely examines the old katas of Okinawan Kara Te with an open mind one can see the true intentions of the strikes and movements. They have been hidden and the Bunkai perverted by the old masters for various reasons. Often the true Bunkai was revealed to only the most trusted student and heir to the master's art while the de-militarized form was taught to all of the other students. And then these students went on to open their own schools and so on & on until the world is full of 'masters' of de-militarized arts.
Also, it has happened that because of government decree or for civil laws a master was forbidden to teach the true art and so was forced to de-militarize it (making it less lethal and less effective for real world combat) in order to continue to teach. This is why the old masters use to say that all of the secrets reside in the forms or the katas. They have been hidden there and that is why the old masters placed such high value upon these forms and katas. They were the keys to unlocking the true purpose and application of the arts.
The very little of traditional Hawaiian Lua martial art that exist today incorporates open hand strikes to vital targets above the torso and closed hand strikes below the neck with heavy emphasis upon grappling, redirection of force, and attacking joints & nerves. Much like old style Japanese Jujitsu practiced by the samurai as their hand to hand combat system designed for the battlefield where they were fighting armored and armed enemy in a life or death struggle.
In original Japanese Jujitsu all strikes were delivered to eyes, throat, neck, ears, and limbs for destruction on the battle field. Off the battle field, where opponents were not wearing armor over their torso targets, the samurai utilized punches and kicks to the vital torso targets to disable or knock out an individual they were arresting. But never did they use fists against the hard bony facial targets or head for to do so would mean possible mechanical injury thereby preventing them from properly utilizing their weapons in the future. A samurai whom lost his ability to grip would then be less combat effective and thereby unemployed.
If we compare the history of modern sport boxing, as well as ancient Greek Olympic sport boxing, and even the American colonial blood sport of Fisticuffs with the ancient European empty hand self defense art of Fist y Cuffs we can see the evolution from a very efficient, effective, martial art into a self destructive blood sport for competition and entertainment.
In the original martial art of Fist y Cuffs the practitioner operated much like modern day boxers in evasive movement, blocking, parrying, etc. with the strikes being open handed 'cuffs' to the hard head targets and 'fists' to the softer torso targets.
The jab was utilized as fingers to the eyes followed by palm strikes (cuffs) to the ear drums or chin to discombobulate or possibly knock out an attacker or enemy. Once the finger jab and cuffs were used to close distance and distract or injure an attacker then the hard fist would be delivered to the soft targets of the torso, such as the liver sack, solar plexus, kidneys, ribs, and testes. This was more efficient and effective than the de-militarized blood sport, but left permanent injuries to the eyes and eardrums thus often maiming the defeated.
So for the sake of 'sport' the closed hand was adopted to strike both facial and torso targets, which resulted in less maiming injuries to the receiver but more mechanical injuries to the hands of the striker. So in the ancient Greek Olympic boxing matches they wrapped their hands similar to how they do today in boxing sports over the world. The colonial American fisticuffs matches did not utilize hand wraps because the spectators and gamblers wanted to see more blood and superficial damage caused by the hardened bare knuckles of the fighters. It satisfied their blood lust while extending the length of the fight between two men. This made it very common for professional fisticuffs brawlers to develop very badly damaged hands leaving them almost useless in working a skilled trade. Many were left seriously handicapped after retiring from the fight game and unable to work.
As opposed to bare knuckle fisticuffs boxing for sport, where the fight was meant to last as long as possible for the entertainment of the gambling crowds of spectators, the original self defense art of Fist y Cuffs' purpose was to end a fight as quickly as possible with as little self inflicted injury as possible. In fact this was and is the goal of all hand to hand combat arts.
De-militarizing the martial arts almost always came about for the purpose of modifying the combat arts for 'sport' or to modify them within the parameters of civilian self defense laws. This often happens after a society leaves it's feudal period and enters into it's age of enlightenment and considers itself to be a more 'civilized' society of law and order.
It is understandable that the arts would either have to be outlawed and become entirely extinct or that they would have to be de-militarized in order to still exist in some form lest they be lost completely forever. However in doing so we give up knowledge of great importance in order to maintain a similitude of knowledge. And we have in essence defanged the snake.
For example, all of the open ridge hand strikes to the hyoid bone became closed fist punches to the chin. The finishing technique of an open hand chop to the throat became a hammer fist to the nose bridge. The open left hand finger jab became the closed fist left jab punch. The open palm cuff to rupture the eardrum became a cross punch. We could go on but this is not meant to be an instructional manual but rather an informative dissertation.
The great tragedy is that so many today invest so much time, energy, and money into building up false expectations or developing habits that may not save their life in a real-world violent situation against armed, often multiple, attackers of superior strength. And if experience is the best teacher, quite often the bad guys are very experienced in violence. In the urban areas gangsters and thugs grow up on street violence and fighting until they go to prison and get equivalent to a master's degree in crime, violence, and hand to hand combat facing multiple
(often armed) attackers.
In the military we have a saying, 'Train how we fight'. That applies to all training and no where else more so than self defense. Israeli Commando Krav Maga and Kapap actually do this and they have revolutionized martial art/ hand to hand combat by going back to what 'all' martial arts once were in application of technique. Particularly in striking and hand defense techniques. But there are many other 'civilian' Krav Maga schools teaching a de-militarized form believed to be modified for civilian parameters. If you train to always attack the eyes and throat than you may accidentally find yourself in prison for manslaughter charges as opposed to if you train yourself to 'punch' at your attacker's facial targets with fists. You may break and seriously injure your hands or catch a simple assault charge (maybe aggravated assault) but you're less likely to face manslaughter or second degree murder charges.
Also as an instructor teaching commercialized martial art one must always consider how the training will be used and the character of the individuals whom this training may fall into the hands of, so it's wise to not teach the true military applications of any martial art indiscriminately.
When one is teaching commercially it's a lot more difficult to assess the character of each and every single student. This is why traditional martial arts masters had an outer circle of students, an inner circle, and a close circle before they finally got down to the one single student whom earned the teacher's deepest trust and confidence. That one student would be given the keys to the true art and applications as the master's legacy. Individuals with this knowledge are a dying breed today and most often do not teach commercially.
Much debate today within the martial arts community is about MMA verses TMA. Well, in truth they are not really talking about traditional martial arts because almost all of what we refer to as traditional martial arts is still 'de-militarized' martial arts. And MMA is merely the mixing of these de-militarized contemporary martial arts. In the sporting arena it's better to be cross trained in a variety of de-militarized martial arts as opposed to only one that focuses more heavily upon a single set of skills. However, once you leave the sporting arena the MMA practitioner fares little better than the TMA practitioner in real-world violence against multiple, possibly armed, experienced attackers.
To give my readers a real life example I encourage you to view the video episode of Human Weapon Military Hand To Hand Combat: Israeli Krav Maga. (It's on YouTube) It's not my purpose to promote Israeli martial arts over all others. In fact a few schools of Silat, Kali, Okinawan Kara Te Jitsu, Gung fu, Jujitsu, Aiki Jujutsu, and others still teach efficient, effective, and prudent application of technique for real-world combat. But this particular episode of Human Weapon demonstrates a situation where a champion MMA fighter and a pro NFL football player trained in wrestling and karate are attacked by a single (not multiple) attacker, in a real world scenario with full contact protective gear, and the result are quite sobering for the both of them. They discover that although they are great ring fighters and athletes they don't know anything about self defense.
If you train in TMA or MMA for sport, exercise, and stress relief than you're not missing out on anything and I encourage you to continue. But if you train in these arts with the belief that you're preparing for real-world violence and are training in the same art that the ancient warriors of long ago executed upon the battlefield to survive frantic, lethal, close combat, against multiple and armed attackers than I hope that this has given you much to consider. If it wasn't successful on the battlefield they wouldn't have trained in it but what has happened to that knowledge over the centuries of
de-militarization and cultural revolutions has often left behind only a vague expression of the true combat applications.
Many modern day 'masters' would disagree with much of this because they have too much ego invested into their de-militarized and often commercialized martial art. Again all arts can be useful in a fight, just as playing basket ball regularly will increase ones fitness level and give a distinct advantage over a non-fit attacker in a fight. But to claim that many of the arts are being taught in the last century just as they were trained for and applied originally for real-world combat would be a prevarication. This is the reason why traditional martial arts has lost much of it's respect and on the other end of the spectrum why so many black belts report disillusionment after encountering much experience with the realities of combat in the streets, military, prison, or wherever else.
If you train for tournaments, point fighting, brawling, or de-militarized civil defense than you weaken the integrity of an art and change it's effectiveness for real-world combat defense.
Repetition creates habit and habit dictates character. The character of a warrior preparing for worst case scenarios should be rooted in proper habit reinforced by correct repetition. Because what one programs into muscle memory is what one will do during the stress of combat. And what one practices under stress of simulated combat is how one will respond in actual combat.
So train how you fight and fight efficiently, effectively, and economically. Any instructor of any art that tells their student that a certain technique can cause self destruction to one's hand but not to worry about it because if you're fighting for your life it wont matter, that instructor is not teaching self defense. And that style, system, or art is not self defense.
What good is it to give the attacker a black eye or knock him out only to receive a critical mechanical injury to one's hand and perhaps preventing one from using their phone, accessing their side arm, or driving away in a standard transmission vehicle? What good is it to fight off an attacker or attackers only to receive a life changing self inflicted injury? In the old days just as today, warriors needed to maintain the structural integrity of their hands in order to use their weapons, tools, and perform duties. And if you stop one attacker but cripple your hands then what about the second, third, or fourth attacker. How will you prevail if you've rendered your hands operational ineffective early in the battle? This applies to the defender in the streets, urban battle fields, prisons, jails, or kidnap capitals today as well. What you simulate in training is how you'll react in combat.
Si vi pacem para bellum.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
'We Were Soldiers'...by Andrew Soldier.
There was a time when the ignorance of youthful bliss intoxicated one like a passionate kiss and we
believed that not even kryptonite could end our reign. We were so naive and the world still seemed
like a dramatic theater and we the main characters. We were the Lords of our time and thought
ourselves wise because we were over fed on knowledge and nursed by adventure. Danger and
romance were our vices while we were being subtly cured like smoked tender loin. Until the day
we look back and wonder, when did we lose our self. And we try so hard but we can't go back and
I've Grown Weary...by Andrew Soldier.
I've grown weary of having cried dehydrated tears for countless years
having walked among beasts I counted myself dead
survived upon only water and bread
no safe place to lay my head
I've grown weary of having fought for countless years
broken bones and busted dreams
every night we heard their screams
Living on prayers while subsisting on sorrow
never knowing if I'd see tomorrow
I've grown weary of this journey through life
so much indifference, malice, and strife
Reprobate rulers mount their steads of corruption and greed
they push us forward
into a future of most certain horror
I've grown weary of hating my enemies
and myself as well
I've grown weary and all that remains
is this drifting ship...without a sail
Living on prayers while subsisting on sorrow
never knowing if I'd see tomorrow
I've grown weary of this journey through life
so much indifference, malice, and strife
Reprobate rulers mount their steads of corruption and greed
they push us forward
into a future of most certain horror
I've grown weary of hating my enemies
and myself as well
I've grown weary and all that remains
is this drifting ship...without a sail
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Today I Lost My Only Son...by Andrew Soldier.13June2013.
Today I lost my only son
I wish to had been mortally shot with a gun
my life force flowing out of me
for to grieve the loss of my only son is far worse than anything I've ever begun
to have walked through hell
to have stared death in the face and won
just to return and lose my only son
dear Lord how can I go on
now that my reason for living is gone
He was my joy, my hope, my dreams
the inspiration that gave me wings
I can not bear the weight of this cross
convulsing from too great a loss
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Politics and the Constitution.
There is much debate today over the political head of this country and possible machinations being conspired against this country by that political head. One could surmise that many things that have been enacted seem rather reminiscent of historical actions taken by totalitarian regimes that preceded genocide, oppression, and violent revolutions. This is what spawns fear and civil unrest within the masses. Because history has always been a revolving door and where there's smoke there is fire, as many believe, this fear within the populace creates more than a little consternation.
This is why the U.S. Constitution was written and enacted, for the purpose of protecting the people from government oppression and possible tyranny. The first and second amendments were the most important for defending our civil liberties that is why they were made the first two on the list. For without these first two one could not ensure the others.
As Americans we have enjoyed the comfort of believing, or rather hoping, that our government would lead with the best interest of the people at heart. Theoretically the people believed that as long as we had the right to bear arms no totalitarian government would dare to rear it's ugly head. We believed that just having such a right and practicing it was enough to deter any government entities from being so seduced by the power loaned to them by the people that they may become corrupted into becoming a dictatorship. After all, throughout world history absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely. And with this realization in mind the draftsmen of the Constitution set out to form a document that would be a Teflon contract between the citizens and their elected government.
Today this Teflon contract, if I may refer to it as such, has been eroded by government agents until our Constitutional rights are suppressed and paid tribute to in lip service alone. One can only receive many of the benefits of those rights if one is extremely rich, politically connected, or part of the inner circle's machinations and those rights benefit their personal agenda. The Constitution merely lays out the innate rights of mankind and insures those indelible rights to the people of the U.S. of north America. Never the less, totalitarianism has raised it's ugly head ever so subtly over the years and leaders have been bought by lobbyists so that when they get elected into an office their very souls are already sold for cancerous gold. They have been bought by the big corporations and certain parties and have sold out the people and their country, with no thought for the future of our children and grand children's children! The love of wealth 'is' the root of all evil, as the holy scriptures say, and this evil has infused itself deeply into the very core of our country. The moral fabric of our society, in all groups, religions, cultures, and ethnicities have degraded over the years.
It's evident even in our children's entertainment, the education system, and the modern families' values compared to our grandparent's values.
We have corruption in our government at it's highest levels, in every political party, and in every demographic, but what is destroying our country most of all can not be blamed upon government leaders but upon ourselves! We the people! It's not one group or one culture to blame but all of us as a country of Americans from all races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, and backgrounds!
Can we bring about change, or is it too late? Are we too far gone now, too blinded, too callused and jaded to bring about the proper moral revolution needed to make even our leaders take notice and want to change? Yes, I said 'moral revolution' because that is what is needed and that is what it will take to turn this country around and save us from the decline that we are upon. Not economic stimuli, political impeachments, more jobs, more money, more fuel, or going greener. All of these things are good and needed but none of them will change this country's dilemma or stop it's descent into the rubble that awaits us, as another collapsed empire.
Some of you say 'good, it's about time that the U.S. reaped what it's sown.' But you don't think for a minute in all of your anger, hate, and bitterness that whenever a country collapses the horrible crimes that take place upon the innocent of that country is too terrible to speak of. We can just look at the Hurricane Katrina aftermath and see the atrocities committed against countless women, children, and elderly. Many whose blood still cries out from the earth for justice. The horrors of anarchy, civil wars, famine, and drought that accompany the collapse of a country are nothing any of us should cheer or rejoice for the thought of...Yet many I have spoken with do.
We live in a country where the Immigration Enforcement Agency has reported that their are more slaves living in this country now than before the Emancipation Proclamation. A country where more narcotics are bought and consumed than in all of the other countries in the world. Where divorce and broken home statistics are higher than in any other country in the world. Where our children are raised upon a culture of violent music, violent television, and even more violent video games which are indoctrinating them from a very early age to be desensitized to death and murder. Then we act shocked that we have one of the highest violent crime rates in the world! We act shocked when some child murders his bully, his classmate, his teacher, or his parent. We see so many mothers and fathers who rather amuse themselves with entertainment, or numb themselves with escapism or mind/mood altering substances, or go out to the club or casino than to spend time being a mentor and teacher to their children. Or being a better help meet and friend to their spouse. We pay bundles of money to a stranger to listen to our problems as we sit in their office or lay on their couch because our own love ones & friends don't have the time or the compassion to lend us an ear. We look for reasons to hate one another and blame one another for our own personal problems when that specific individual probably has nothing to do with anything we have suffered or gone through in this life. We rather blame others than to blame ourselves for our own personal mistakes, wrong paths, crimes, bad choices, and failure as human beings. We live in a country where so many have acquired a sense of self-entitlement and great ambition but lack the discipline and steady work ethnic that it takes to achieve such ambitions. Then some of us get upset when the immigrant who has that work ethic and ambition comes over and achieves the success we felt that was ours.
This is why we need a revolution...a revolution of the heart, mind, and spirit...a revolution of the soul...'A Moral Revolution.'
I've said all of this to come back full circle. We can sit around and blame political entities, whom may or may not be nefarious and prevaricating, but in the end the ultimate responsibility falls in the laps of the American people. Our complacency, apathy, and lack of moral fiber is outrageous when compared to our grandparents and they whom came before us. Ultimately it's going to take a revolution and unification of the American citizens to bring about positive change and not some political savior or government entity. The worst mistake any nation can make is to hand over all of their power to the authority of a government entity. This has always been a recipe for disaster.
It's my prayer that these changes be enacted within each and every heart of the people of this country before we find ourselves being led into collapse and captivity, like many great countries before. History is a revolving door, either we learn from it or we are destined to repeat it.
By: Andrew Soldier. June 2013.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Never letting past mistakes and failures dictate who we are.
We must not let the mistakes and failures of our past dictate who and what we are.
We have the choice and gift of free will to remain in that murky place or shake it off, repent,
reconcile, make peace, and move on to more positive things.
As long as we still have breath we can still live our lives for the betterment of humanity, in service to
our Creator, and in that process we shall better ourselves.
Let the manure of our past mistakes and wrongs act as the fertilizer for the garden of our new and
beautiful future as we live it in the service of our Creator, our Lord, and those that suffer and hurt.
Meaning everyone, since we all suffer and hurt at one time or another. aho-emen.
We have the choice and gift of free will to remain in that murky place or shake it off, repent,
reconcile, make peace, and move on to more positive things.
As long as we still have breath we can still live our lives for the betterment of humanity, in service to
our Creator, and in that process we shall better ourselves.
Let the manure of our past mistakes and wrongs act as the fertilizer for the garden of our new and
beautiful future as we live it in the service of our Creator, our Lord, and those that suffer and hurt.
Meaning everyone, since we all suffer and hurt at one time or another. aho-emen.
Friday, June 7, 2013
In My Heart Grows A Rose.
In my heart grows a rose without thorns,
for it can not survive in this world without defense I must
for it can not survive in this world without defense I must
hide it close to my bosom and let it's delicate petals not be left unguarded.
It is a rose that has grown
from concrete.
Watered by hidden tears, it is a heavy rose and old beyond it's years.
Let me cast it
upon a sea of souls as my final fair well for I loved you all behind my hardened shell.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
'Insomniac Confessions', by Andrew Soldier. 13 May 2013.
Youthful delusion of immortality soon fades like the flowers of spring and summer.
Oh how one longs for that season and mourns for the loss of youthful hopes, dreams, innocence, and
Just as the wino craves his bottle of bliss let me return to the days of foolish youth,
for ignorance was intoxicating like the most passionate kiss.
With increased wisdom and knowledge comes increased sorrows.
The greatest misery is the remembrance of happier times.
Echoes of distant memories torment the heart and mind as the rocking chair takes hold.
The shattered pieces of a once pristine and polished heart now lay in the basement of a sorrowful soul.
Tears are one's cup and grief become ones bread.
A stone for a pillow rests upon one's head while sleep is chased away by the melancholic whispers of the night.
What has become of the child that was sacrificed upon the altar of disillusion?
Resurrect the boy and kill the man.
Take back the weapons from his hands and return to him the keys to the promise land.
Haunted by so many years of impossible goodbyes.
Let me take flight upon the wind.
Let me ascend beyond the skies.
Oh ma'ma', ma'ma', can't you see,
this broken heart is what's killing me.
Friday, May 3, 2013
'A WALK WITH MY MOTHER'. by Andrew Soldier.
The sun shines brighter and sky seems bluer,
The wind blows cooler and birds sing in harmony,
The delicate flowers with their elegant petals, like colorful paint brushes
dancing upon a green canvas
and a gentle rain falls as a soft kiss.
Barefoot I walk through clover leaves and feel the coolness of the earth
between my toes and the caressing warmth of sunlight upon my back.
With every breeze comes a new breath of freshness,
I can not help but think this is where heaven and earth meet.
I am surrounded with beauty,
beauty is all around me.
Friday, April 26, 2013
'Chase Away the Darkness', by Andrew Soldier.
I pray that when the lightening cracks it's whip
and the thunder roars in the midst of a storm,
a ray of light will shine down on me
and all darkness will be chased away
by the light of the son.
Yes....the son of God.
'Curious Ponderings', by Andrew Soldier.
The glisten of dew drops early in the morning,
scattered about the ground like so many tiny diamonds.
So beautiful is the weaving of the spider's web and it's intricacies,
yet so deadly and full of danger to the butterfly.
How lovely is the rose and it's fragrance so sweet,
yet even so it's thorns are sharp and full of pain.
And how delicate and fragile is the snowflake,
that as soon as it lights upon the hand it melts away.
scattered about the ground like so many tiny diamonds.
So beautiful is the weaving of the spider's web and it's intricacies,
yet so deadly and full of danger to the butterfly.
How lovely is the rose and it's fragrance so sweet,
yet even so it's thorns are sharp and full of pain.
And how delicate and fragile is the snowflake,
that as soon as it lights upon the hand it melts away.
'Prayer of Blessing'. by Andrew Soldier.
May you be full of sunshine,
Dance with laughter,
Rain cheerfulness,
Grow with love,
And only cry tears of joy. :)
'Perhaps a Memory, Perhaps a dream'. by Andrew Soldier.
When I close my eyes
I can see an angel.
Perhaps a memory,
Perhaps a dream.
Her smile touches my soul
and quickens my spirit,
A soft light crowns her head
and gently flows down her shoulders.
Her loving eyes reflect a heart
of pure gold and her laughter
stirs joy within my heart.
She moves with the calm grace and beauty
of a cloud carried by the wind.
Her fragrance is as soft as honeysuckle
in the dew of morning.
Her strength is like the rock, yet
she's as delicate as the wings of the butterfly.
Now when I open my eyes she is gone.
Like the mist that covers a pool
and so quickly disappears with the coming of noon.
Perhaps a memory,
Perhaps a dream.
'Your Eyes', by Andrew Soldier.
Looking into your eyes
they captivate me,
They are beautiful and bright.
They speak of innocence,
but whisper of mischief.
What secrets do they keep,
but do not tell.
I dare not look into them because
I know I will stare.
Should I wander into those deep pools
let me linger there.
Looking into your eyes,
they captivate me.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
'A Vision That Came To Pass', by Andrew Soldier.
Haunted by the ghosts of times before,
The mind sifts through memories like an old photo album.
Pain and misery are one's most faithful friends,
They'll never leave nor forsake.
The greatest misery is the rememberence of happier times.
Dancing shadows and twisting lights,
Deep rapid beat of the water drum; three white pepples baptized,
The echo of falling rain melds with voices of singers,
Brilliant feathers fan fragrant smoke of sage, sweetgrass and hozhooji natoh,
Rising with prayers to the Creator above.
White, red, blue flames contract and expand with the pulsating drum beat,
Bitter medicine upon moist lips,
Heart wrapped in the embrace of hope, harmony and peaceful abiding.
Fire that breathes between the half circle,
Journey of life is short walk upon this earth.
One's spirit soaring along the voices of sound and power, rattle and drum,
Entering into the warm, swaying flame.
Look...a beautiful, flowing haired girl, smiling.
A soldier being taken away into captivity, to a dark place.
Many choppers flying in formation from the west to the east.
Storms of heavy artillary fire follow.
An ochestra of confusing images.
With time these seeds produce fruit,
Memories are comforting while so many are haunting.
Here, now entombed in a mausoleum of concrete and steel,
Walking through the valley of the shadow of death,
Fearing no evil, for the Lord is with.
Surrounded by vast darkness,
One seeking peace within chaos,
Nurturing the hope that there's still hope.
A rose growing from concrete.
'To Love A Rose', by Andrew Soldier.
I loved a rose whose thorns were sharp,
I held her close and they pierced my heart.
Nursed from her lips,
Embraced at the hips.
Her fragrance intoxicates,
Her promises prevaricate.
She faded away and with my hope,
Without love I struggled to cope.
No wine ready before it's time,
I wish her happiness over mine.
To love a rose whose thorns are sharp,
Beware my son they'll pierce your heart.
'Romantic Thoughts of Her', by Andrew Soldier.
Warm sunshine caresses upon one's face
Soft cool sand between barefoot toes
Sage scented soft wind surfs along one's skin
Delicate butterfly kisses alight upon velvet lips
Gentle finger tips trace down the curvature of the spine
Strong hands massage away bodily tension
Heat exhale upon silky neck
Salty perspiration quenches a fiery tongue
Delicious nectar of hydrangea
Quivering shivers curl the toes
Breath and spirit exchanging
Luscious kisses caress away many woes
Two hearts embracing across a divide
If dreaming let never wake
If awake let never sleep
Soft cool sand between barefoot toes
Sage scented soft wind surfs along one's skin
Delicate butterfly kisses alight upon velvet lips
Gentle finger tips trace down the curvature of the spine
Strong hands massage away bodily tension
Heat exhale upon silky neck
Salty perspiration quenches a fiery tongue
Delicious nectar of hydrangea
Quivering shivers curl the toes
Breath and spirit exchanging
Luscious kisses caress away many woes
Two hearts embracing across a divide
If dreaming let never wake
If awake let never sleep
Monday, April 22, 2013
Outlawing private citizens from legally owning firearms in the U.S. is not meant to protect citizens from criminal violence but is an attempt by a government entity with machinatious plans to 'de-fang' it's citizens before it can safely reveal the totalitarian face that it hides from it's people behind the mask of democracy.
We can see by statistics and through reports of citizens in the U.K. that home invasion crimes skyrocketed after private citizens were ordered to turn over all of their legally owned firearms to the police and government agencies. Recent events in the city of Boston Masachussetts, where they have some of the strictest gun laws within the U.S., show that stricter gun laws do not protect the good citizens of a state or country. If anything it only emboldens the terrorists and criminals with the confidence that they can walk around without trepidation and confidently shoot our citizens, like fish in a barrel, without fear of being shot back at by any of their victims. I can tell you that passing anti-'anything' laws does not give the citizens more security and our government knows this.
Criminals will always find a way to obtain what it is that they want while only the law abiding citizens will be the ones without it. We've outlawed cocaine yet we have the largest cocaine epidemic in the world! We outlawed all illegal drugs and yet we have a country infested with a major drug epidemic and a large gangster subculture that makes no attempt to hide it's face but is celibrated in hip hop/gangsta rap music, gangsta films, urban culture, and in various other forms of media in the U.S.. So do we believe that criminals will be unarmed by passing anti-gun laws for private citizens? Of course not! Therefore what could be the government's true motive for such a push against the 2nd ammendment?
Whatever it is that is being planned behind closed doors with secret handshakes and machinatious aforethought requires that the government first 'de-fang' it's private citizens so that future rebellions may be squashed with relative ease. They can't afford another revolutionary war against a totalitarian government presence, as the english colonists and their allies fought against the british during the American Revolutionary War. And whatever it is that they have planned causes them to believe that they will be met with stiff resistance from the citizens. So first they must disarm them: 'de-fang' their citizens. Only then can it remove the mask of democracy to reveal it's totalitarian face.
May we awaken from our slumber and shake off the haze from our eyes to see what is 'behind' what is being said rather than focusing upon only the prevaricative words of those who would have you remain engrossed in the mundane and frivolous as they work to re-create a new world without the hinderences of such archaic things as The U.S. Constitutional Rights of the People.
The constitution was written to protect the People from totalitarianism and governmental oppression of the people. The people are to control the government and not the other way around. But the government believes that the people are the sheep and the government is the shepard. The sheep do not know what is good for them therefore the shepard will rule the sheep and tend to their needs if only the sheep will blindly follow. And the one's that wander or rebel against the shepard, he does not carry his rod and his staff in vain.
We can see by statistics and through reports of citizens in the U.K. that home invasion crimes skyrocketed after private citizens were ordered to turn over all of their legally owned firearms to the police and government agencies. Recent events in the city of Boston Masachussetts, where they have some of the strictest gun laws within the U.S., show that stricter gun laws do not protect the good citizens of a state or country. If anything it only emboldens the terrorists and criminals with the confidence that they can walk around without trepidation and confidently shoot our citizens, like fish in a barrel, without fear of being shot back at by any of their victims. I can tell you that passing anti-'anything' laws does not give the citizens more security and our government knows this.
Criminals will always find a way to obtain what it is that they want while only the law abiding citizens will be the ones without it. We've outlawed cocaine yet we have the largest cocaine epidemic in the world! We outlawed all illegal drugs and yet we have a country infested with a major drug epidemic and a large gangster subculture that makes no attempt to hide it's face but is celibrated in hip hop/gangsta rap music, gangsta films, urban culture, and in various other forms of media in the U.S.. So do we believe that criminals will be unarmed by passing anti-gun laws for private citizens? Of course not! Therefore what could be the government's true motive for such a push against the 2nd ammendment?
Whatever it is that is being planned behind closed doors with secret handshakes and machinatious aforethought requires that the government first 'de-fang' it's private citizens so that future rebellions may be squashed with relative ease. They can't afford another revolutionary war against a totalitarian government presence, as the english colonists and their allies fought against the british during the American Revolutionary War. And whatever it is that they have planned causes them to believe that they will be met with stiff resistance from the citizens. So first they must disarm them: 'de-fang' their citizens. Only then can it remove the mask of democracy to reveal it's totalitarian face.
May we awaken from our slumber and shake off the haze from our eyes to see what is 'behind' what is being said rather than focusing upon only the prevaricative words of those who would have you remain engrossed in the mundane and frivolous as they work to re-create a new world without the hinderences of such archaic things as The U.S. Constitutional Rights of the People.
The constitution was written to protect the People from totalitarianism and governmental oppression of the people. The people are to control the government and not the other way around. But the government believes that the people are the sheep and the government is the shepard. The sheep do not know what is good for them therefore the shepard will rule the sheep and tend to their needs if only the sheep will blindly follow. And the one's that wander or rebel against the shepard, he does not carry his rod and his staff in vain.
For those who don't think the government would never be so machinatious, just close your eyes and go back to sleep and Uncle Sam will bring you lots of presents.
"Govern me harder daddy", seems to be the mantra of the masses whom cry out for Democratic-Socialist Tyranny, Transnational Corporate Globalism as well as those whom desire Communism.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
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