Friday, June 2, 2017

***Favoritism, Special Privelages Or Equal Rights***

~The liberal, globalist, media is now trying to compare the civil rights movement for equality of all races and ethnicities to the transvestite unisex bathroom agenda.

~The thing is you cannot identify as black. You ARE black.
~You can't change it. Go bleach your skin all you want and you're still black.

~You are born a man and identify as a woman so you go under the knife to change it. That's not the same as being black.
~This is not changeable, so there's no coorelation between racial/ethnic groups using integrated restrooms and men and women using the same restrooms.

~If we're going to get silly let's just be silly and give everyone the same, equal, rights. No sense in giving transvestites and homosexuals 'special privelages', if it's really about equality.

~Let ALL men use the ladies restroom and ALL boys use the public school girl's restrooms and locker-room.

~Why not let boys shower with girls in the public school locker-rooms? Why do transvestite males get special privileges?

~Is it about equal rights when you give 'special privelages' to one group that isn't granted to all?

~Is it less about equal rights and more about special privelages for people with psychosis?

~The Homosexuals claim they're born to engage in intercourse with the same gender, as if it's not a free will choice in where they put their genitals. The transvestites claim they were born in the wrong body and it's not their free will choice what clothes they wear and that they perpetrate the fraud of being a female.

~The pedophiles claim they were born attracted to children so they're not responsible for preying upon our children. The zoophiliacs claim they were born sexually attracted to animals, so it's not their fault. The necrophiliacs claim they were born with a need to rape dead corpses. The serial killers claim that they were born sociopathic and psychotic.

~Noone is responsible for their own actions and acting upon their own desires, regardless how bent they are or aren't, because they can just play 'the born that way' card.

~We have more compassion on these 'born that way' claimants than we do on people whom were preyed upon or abused as children in a way that caused them to grow up to be racists or bigots. We'd verbally crucify a person for harboring any amount of fear, distrust, bigotry or racism, based upon their personal victimization, but everyone else with a mental/spiritual disorder was 'born that way' so it's all good.

~Perhaps the political battles being waged for the special privileges of the dysfunctional and perverse is supported so strongly by the liberal media, Hollywood and government officials because they see it as one step closer to legalizing their own form of perversion in our homeland? Perhaps their paving the way for their long game?...the legalization of pedophilia.


~It's not about equality...It's about special favors and privelages. It's about promoting disharmony and chaos in the world rather than about promoting harmony and peace.

***Respected Vs. Feared***

"To be respected must never be confused with being feared."

~My dad taught me this but I didn't always practice it because society teaches us that it often pays to be feared by the more docile or by those whom would simply rather avoid trouble.
~The man who doesn't fear civil or legal ramifications seems to be freer to impose his will upon others, seems to have more 'friends', and often seems more exciting to women because he feels he can just punch his way out of any trouble or dispute which arises from his brazen and bold behavior, even when he's imposing and disrespectful to others.

~He may think others respect him but in reality they fear him or fear getting into trouble because of him so they appease him, try to win his friendship, or avoid him.

~"In today's world many men confuse being feared with being respected."

Hoo-ah Til The End,

***An Examination Into Moderate Islam***

~There are 3 primary rules and then one supporting rule in Islam.

~Primary Rules of Islam:

1. Infidels must be converted to Islam. Qur’an:8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
2. Infidels who will not convert must pay a tax to Islam. Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”

3. Infidels who do not convert or pay the tax must be KILLED. Qur’an:9:5 - “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

~Supporting Rule:

• All members of Islam are allowed to LIE to Infidels if the LIE supports the growth of Islam. It's called "Taqiyya".

~Ask a muslim i.e. anyone who follows Islam if they are allowed to pick and choose which parts of the qur’an to follow? The answer is, they can NOT pick and choose which parts to follow. Doing so is called "apostate" which would lead to their own death for they would be killed by a fellow muslim.

~To follow Islam is to adhere to every word in the qur’an, hadith and sunnah. All 'moderate' muslims are "apostates" according to Islam. Jihadi are the only muslims whom actually follow Islam and emulate the prophet of Islam, as commanded.

~This means that there is no such thing as a Moderate muslim. For someone to follow the qur’an, hadith and sunnah they must 'submit', for Islam means "submission", which means one must submit one way or the other. It's only about peace when you submit to them as a convert or slave, otherwise it's all about war.

~They really are trying to convert you, tax you, or KILL you...We have enough on our plate dealing with a machinating, globalist, government that is destroying our homeland and trampling upon what is left of the Constitution. We really don't need to compound our struggle by accepting masses of Islamic jihadi colonizers into our homeland. Our ancestors barely survived the last colonizing of our homeland and it would behoove us to recall history so that we will not be destined to repeat it.

~One homeland terrorist entity (a globalist government) is enough to battle at the moment without importing masses of Islamic jihadi colonizers under the guise of 'refugees' (while everyone seems to ignore the Yadzidi victims of genocide whom should receive priority refugee status, 'if compassion were the real motivation' behind taking in masses of refugees/colonizers into our homeland from the middle east.)

~Why don't the Yazidi people, a people suffering genocide at the hands of Islamic Jihadi, have priority as 'refugees' while the globalist government has been giving 'refugee' priority status (since last year) to Islamic Jihadi?

~Why isn't the government controlled media crying out to offer asylum to the Yazidi people whom are actually suffering racial genocide.

~When we cry mercy upon Islamic Jihadi whom desire to colonize our homeland under the pretext of claiming 'refugee status', while villainizing anyone whom doesn't think it's a prudent idea, we should then ask ourselves "why don't we give priority 'refugee' status to the Yazidi people whom are currently suffering 'genocide' at the hands of Islamic Jihadi who emulate the actions of and follow the unadulterated teachings of their Islamic prophet?"

~Let us ask ourselves another question. Why is it that when Islamic imam and Muslim leaders are asked to publically denounce the genocide of the Yazidi, the murders of apostates and non-Muslims (Infidels) and the enslavement of women and children by ISIL/ISIS and other Islamic Jihadi militias they refuse to categorically do so publically?

~At most some will make subjective, politically engineered, statements such as, "Terrorism is wrong." But most often they will attempt to avoid answering the question and attempt to discuss something unrelated from history several hundreds, if not a thousand, years ago to justify the violent actions of Islamic Jihadi terrorists today.

~Nevertheless, In the world of the blind the one eyed man is deemed to be a fool.

Remain Hoo-ah.

What Is The Trans-Pacific Partnership (T.P.P.)?

~When this country is not distracted by sports, celebrity gossip, and Hollywood 'tricknology' whom among us are currently aware of the The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

~On the surface it is a trade agreement among twelve Pacific Rim countries signed on 4 February 2016. However, upon digging deeper it is a nefarious machination intent upon cinching up the power seat of the New World Order across the world.

~You'll be astonished at what this partnership intends to do to the citizens of your respective countries.

~The Trans-Pacific Partnership (T.P.P.).


***Luciferian Promises: What Would One Do For Secret Knowledge and Power***

"Bow down and worship me and I'll give you all the kingdoms of the earth."...
"Eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree and you'll gain knowledge and become like God."

Same old song still being sung to the naïve today. Still being offered by secret societies and cults across the globe to unsuspecting and intrigued..And they rise to power and material wealth while sacrificing their eternal souls upon the altar of material wealth and political influence.
Whatever we do in this life will echo for eternity...all the good, the bad and the ugly. 

So let us examine our hearts, our ambitions, our life purpose and our eventual deaths daily for there comes a day that our souls must give account for all that we have done and the motives for why we have done them.

May we always walk in harmony, peace and be a blessing to all the lives whom we touch.

***Are You A Self-Destructive Victim Of Divide And Conquer Strategy?***

"The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf."
 ~Civilians need to understand this proverb and get squared away. There's no ' I ' in 'team'. But it seems that so many wish to be a solipsistic, special-k, individual. The civilian world seems to think we're not all in this together and can somehow be divided and not fall or be conquered by both foreign and domestic enemies. There appears to be so many individuals and groups whom devote their energy into dividing their own country and seeking the fall of one citizens or another while remaining so blinded by hatred that they can not see that success in their endeavor would only mean their own self-destruction and the loss of all that they have and hold dear. It would mean the loss of their country, loss of civil order, loss of hospital care, loss of food and an increase in poverty, homelessness, hunger, disease and violence.
 ~Already we have both domestic and foreign globalists whom want to destroy our freedom and our homeland. We have foreign cartel's, as well as domestic gangs, that actively work to destroy our homeland. We have Islamic Jihadi that want to conquer, enslave and destroy our homeland. The reconquistas want to conquer and take over our homeland. The socialists and communists both within the U.S. government and in foreign nations want to destroy our home. Luciferian secret societies want to work with Globalists to destroy our Constitutional Rights and destroy our homeland. We have transnational-corporations, supported by the U.S. government, by globalists, and Luciferian secret societies whom wish to destroy our homeland, our ecosystem and our Constitutional Rights.    ~Many of the Liberals put forth efforts to facilitate, either consciously or unconciously, the agendas of all the above named enemies. And capitalism has been hijacked by corporate greed and transnational corporations whom have long ago forgotten what integrity, honor and harmony mean for the survival of this world and the human-race.
~Divide and Conquer is a tactic as old as time which enemies still use to destroy and dominate their targeted victims.

~When we personally engage in facilitating that division we make ourselves victims, our children victims, our country a victim and our innate freedoms a victim to all whom machinate against us.
Today decide whether you wish yourself, your love ones and your homeland to be a victim or a victor. The future of your homeland and the freedom of your children depends on each of you, individually.



 ~The Globalist media and Globalist run hollywood industry enjoy harping on slavery in history, particularly in U.S. history but they conveniently avoid the factual topic that, according to statistics released by I.C.E. and the F.B.I., it's estimated that there are vastly more slaves living inside of the U.S.A. today than in any era of U.S. history. Or prior to the emancipation proclamation.
~When people talk of 'slavery days' they fail to realize we're living in slavery days. Human trafficking is the fastest growing enterprise in organized crime, both civilian and government. And child trafficking has become a major industry.
~Human trafficking for the purpose of slavery in the labor work force, in the sex slave industry and in the black market organ harvesting industry are not unique to third world countries.
~The United States is also a hot bed for human-trafficking (slavery) just as many other countries abroad. It's a crime that isn't unique to any one country but many Americans are fooled into believing that it's a crime relegated only to the past history of the United States or that it only affects certain ethnic/racial groups.
~In fact, human trafficking (slavery) is a crime that targets and effect all ethnicities/races within and without the United States of America. It's evidently an underground epidemic with federal agencies estimating that there are more slaves suffering within the United States today than there were before the emancipation proclamation.
~Anyone whom is serious about fighting human trafficking, may want to consider what one can do about the trafficking in the USA.
~A lot of this is coming out more recently, and many like Stephen Colbert are trying to keep it from even being looked into.
~In the short time Trump has been in office, nearly 1,000 arrests have been made with nearly 500 taking place in California.
~Unless we remain aware of situations and problem within our homeland we can not combat them or pray against them. That is why I share such information. We can all do something, even if it's merely shining a spotlight on a problem so that it can no longer operate in the shadows. Evil requires secrecy in order to flourish.
~Peace be with you.


 ~MMA guys sometimes think the Gracies invented Jujutsu or Judo newaza and that the terminology used in BJJ and MMA is gospel but all of the techniques have been around for centuries prior to Gracie Newaza (B.J.J.) and have had different names depending upon whether the terms came from Catch Wrestling, Hook Wrestling, Kano Jujutsu/Judo, etc.
~I'd like to address the fact that what the MMA community and it's spectator fanatics (fans) refer to as a rear-naked-CHOKE isn't a choke at all but a 'strangle' hold. When I was a young boy, before the Gracies were popularized by UFC I-V we were taught that this hold was called a 'Sleeper-Hold' and we practiced it on each other when parents weren't around but we let go when they felt like they were going to pass out and tapped.
~My mother was raised a military brat with a brother in law enforcement and she was familiar with the 'sleeper-hold' and how to apply it with or without clothing in the early 80s.
~When I began studying and training I learned that a 'strangle' hold aka 'sleeper hold' is one that restricts blood flow while a 'choke' hold restricts air flow. Fast foward to the UFC era and the Gracies, whose first language was not English, began incorrectly refering to a strangle as a choke.
~To further differentiate, what the MMA and Gracie family incorrectly refers to as a rear 'naked' CHOKE is actually a rear 'figure-four' or rear 'interlocking' STRANGLE/SLEEPER-HOLD which attacks vascular blood flow but not air flow.
~A naked choke is applied with the naked forearm across the trachea, applying pressure with the radial bone against the trachea with the hands clasped together in a mutual grip. This is very lethal and can not really be safely practiced under full contact. It's also illegal under most police department guidelines because so many cops have accidentally killed resisting suspects with the 'naked-choke'. The same 'choke' can be applied using the interlocking or figure-four configuration, which is a much stronger hold and more difficult to escape because the fingers grip the bicep and are then locked by the forearm while the other hand is hidden behind the target's head or neck. The push and pull of the interlocking or figure-four configuration generates more power into either a choke (air) or a strangle (blood).
~The technique which you see or practice in MMA, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (ne-waza), Judo, Sambo or what the U.S. police refer to as the Vascular Neck Restraint is not a naked 'choke' at all but a 'strangle' applied with an interlocking (figure-four) hold. The elbow is placed directly under the target's chin which positions the bicep of one arm and the radial bone of the other arm on each side of their neck while the opposite arm pushes their head forward into the strangle. THIS STRANGLE, WHEN RELEASED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE DESIRED EFFECT, IS MUCH SAFER THAN A CHOKE SO THAT IS WHY IT'S PERMITED IN BOTH COMBAT SPORTS, SECURITY AND IN LAW ENFORCEMENT.
~So the reason why it's important to understand the difference between a choke and a strangle is both for technical reasons and for legalities. MMA and the Brazilian Portuguese speaking Gracies have given new names, often incorrectly, to old techniques that have been around for centuries but for legal, medical and combative reasons it's most important to understand the difference between a strangle (blood restriction) and a choke (air restriction).
~For those whom don't trust my expertise as much as they trust the internet I'll include a third party reference that backs up what I've presented.
Peace be with you and remain HOO-AH,
** Strangling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In some martial arts (such as Judo) a distinction is made between a strangle, which interferes with the flow of blood to the brain , and a choke, which interferes with the airway. Depending on the particular method of strangulation, one or several of these typically occur in combination; however, vascular obstruction is usually the main mechanism.[4] Complete obstruction of blood flow to the brain is associated with irreversible neurological damage and death,[5] but during strangulation there is still unimpeded blood flow in the vertebral arteries.[6] Estimates have been made that significant occlusion of the carotid arteries and jugular veins occurs with a pressure of around 3.4 N/cm², while the trachea demands six times more at approximately 22 N/cm².[7] As in all cases of strangulation, the rapidity of death can be affected by the susceptibility to carotid sinus stimulation.[4] Carotid sinus reflex death is sometimes considered a mechanism of death in cases of strangulation, but it remains highly disputed.[3][8] The reported time from application to unconsciousness varies from 7-14 seconds if effectively applied [9] to one minute in other cases, with death occurring minutes after unconsciousness.[3]"
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