~There are many wolves in sheep clothing and even Satan masquerades as an angel of light in order to deceive the masses. ~Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
~(This is why we must analyze the teachings/doctrine of the faith or religion and the life of the messiah and/or prophet rather than analyze the conduct and character of those whom would fly the flag).
~When our acquaintances bring up the crimes of individuals in history whom flew the flag of a specific faith or religion we must examine not the individuals or their organization but rather the doctrine/teachings of the actual faith according to it's founder/prophet/or messiah, in addition to examining the conduct and character of the correlating founder/prophet/or messiah.
~Do the conduct and character of those individuals or organizations coincide with the teachings/doctrine of the faith/religion as it is taught by the founder/prophet/or Messiah?
~Does the conduct and character of the individuals or organization attempt to emulate the conduct and character of their faith/religion's founder/prophet/or Messiah?
~If Islamic Jihadi display conduct and character that is in emulation of their prophet Muhammed and the undadulterated doctrine of Islam (as taught from the Quran, the Hadith and the Sunna) than we can surmise that they are indeed true Muslims and their practice is representative of Muhammed and Islam.
~If the Roman Vatican during the Dark Ages and the Inquisitions or the K.K.K. after the American Civil War displayed conduct and character that is in emulation of the Messiah Christ Jesus and follows the unadulterated doctrine of Christ Jesus' gospel than we can surmise whether they too were (or actually were not) disciples of Christ Jesus (Christians) or merely wolves in sheep clothing operating under a false flag.
~This is where cold, unemotional, logic and reason must always fuel any debate. And well researched facts must be presented without any room for opinion, hearsay, emotional provocations or straw-man arguments. Debating must be about seeking and understanding truths, weighing all of the evidence and then accepting the evidence even when it goes against our preconcieved notions and prejudices.
~But in the end do we really want unadulterated 'truth' or are we looking and hoping for justification for our own desires and possibly the deconstruction of our opponent's desires? If so than own it and accept within yourself that this is who you are but don't decieve yourself into believing that unadulterated truth is what you seek.
~Every good lie possesses truth, just as rat poison is predominantly composed of food lest the rat wouldn't be enticed to consume it. But in a world with so many diametrically opposing truths which one is the unadulterated truth?
~That question is what sent me on a journey that took me well over a decade of nearly full time research and immersion into various spiritual paths and religions to undoubtable discover for myself. Now I understand that Jesus Christ didn't bring 'religion' to the world. The world had enough religions. He brought true spirituality, personal connection to our Creator through the Holy Spirit and by the blood of His altruistic sacrifice for the reconciliation of all mankind and propitiation for sin. But mankind, under the influence of darkness in their hearts, hijacked this pure Spirituality and reinstituted the priesthood for power, control and the love of wealth. The very things which Christ Jesus chastized the Jewish priesthood in Judea for and which He did away with.
~ There's been much deception and the gospel has been hijacked by those whom would rule the earth by threat, force or fraud while operating under a false-flag. It has been hijacked also by those whom have turned the Creator (God) into an investment banker by taking the universal law of reaping and sowing to incorporate ancient sympathetic magic practices with the doctrine of the gospel of Christ Jesus...because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
~Remain sincere in your altruistic search for unadulterated truth and the truth will come to you.