~One of the first 'murders' by stabbing that I witnessed was while I was exiting a building in Clifton Tennessee behind a small group of men when the last man in the group before me, a short older man who was a renown guitarist, was attacked by a larger, young, man wearing thick work gloves while the knifer's buddies pulled security for him in case anyone should jump in to help the older man.
~They were maybe 6-8 feet from me and the older man/guitarists, whom knew his attacker, was covering in a typical boxing cover/shell defense and yelling out, "Why are you hitting me Billy?" (the killer's name was William Grubb)
~My acquantance Tomas Amaya yelled at me to come back inside, behind the glass door, then pulled me from behind and shut the door until it was over. I was focused on the men pulling security, staring at 'me', in case they tried to engage me, so I didn't notice the ice pick in Billy's gloved right hand. It looked like another beating being given out by another thug/gangster/bully to a vulnerable target. ~After it was over, they walked away, the killer tossed the weapon into a drain nearby, and as we were walking out the older man aka 'guitar-man' collapsed on the pavement sidewalk.
~Men walked over him without any compassion, so I went to check on him, when Tomas Amaya yelled at me not to touch him (for police evidence reasons) but as a soldier my instinct was to offer first-aid. No one helped him, he hadn't been in a fist-fight nor was he merely being punched as he presumed when he called out, "Why are you hitting me Billy?" He was being stabbed as the killer attacked him like a trained boxer wearing work gloves, the weapon tied to his right hand so as not to be dropped during the attack (a common method used by experienced knifers, thugs, prison gangs).
~His injuries were mostly internal, very little external blood, and he died mainly from having both lungs punctured, as well as numerous other injuries. I notified the authorities that there was a man down as I walked to morning chow, so they could attend to his wounds but it was too late for him. He was dead. Thinking he was taking a common beating, until he collapsed and lay dying on the pavement sidewalk.
~That's one of numerous, similar, experiences but it always stands out most in my mind because he yelled, "Why are you hitting me Billy? I thought we were friends, what did I do to you?"
~The reason he was attacked was later told to me by one of the gangsters that stood security for the killer during the attack. It was because they had put several names in a hat of men to draw from but the killer decided he'd just attack the last man in the next group to come out of that particular building and it didn't matter that it was an acquaintance whom played guitar songs for him at his request. He requested a transfer out of C.C.A. custody but Mr. Maples refused to grant him one so he chose to go to the state maximum security facility in Nashville by killing someone.
~When I was young these things didn't bother me much. Now that I'm older I've grown sentimental in my age, my heart has grown softer and many of these memories now bring me much sorrow. There's nothing glamorous about violence or death. The way action movies promote violence and murder or the way fans glorify it as being part of one's manliness is foolishness.
~In my experiences, which form my opinions, and having obsessively trained in the combat arts since I was a small child it's my personal belief that 99.9% of martial arts that teach knife defenses and knife disarms are ego masturbation being sold to the unsuspecting and inexperienced as life-insurance. Theoretical LARPING peddled by pseudo knife-fighting-experts whom have never been in a knife fight nor been attacked by a knife wielding, murderous, predator a day in their life.
~Most martial arts are 'sports' and dueling arts, simple as that. Real Self-Defense is wisdom, controlling ones emotions and one's mouth, avoidance, situational awareness, understanding/studying criminal tactics, escape and evasion. And perhaps most importantly, being respectful as we treat others the way we wish for them to treat us. These things are self-defense.
~If it comes to being attacked by an unsolicited criminal attacker or violent bully, because one either screwed up or failed to learn true self-defense, thus allowing oneself to get caught in a bad situation among bad people, then counter-attack with maiming and lethal intent. Cause you may never know whether their punching you or stabbing you while your trading punches and kicks with them...until you collapse. THERE ARE NO ACCEPTABLE EXCHANGES IN CLOSE-COMBAT.
~In the sporting ring you can cover, block with the elbow, use the Philly Shield, utilize evasive footwork in a spacious, level, dueling ring, etc.. But criminal violence is nothing like the sporting ring/cage. There is a huge difference in dueling in a sporting ring/cage with a referee there to protect you and criminal attacks executed with intent to maim or kill.
~Weapons, whether you see them or not, are the preferred method of combat used by thugs, gangsters and violent people. But they will not brandish them and their buddies, mates or homies in the area will not let you see them either when they come to the defense of their own, should you find yourself in a dominant position during a violent engagement or self-defense situation.
~When is a fist fight just a fist fight and when is a knife attack just a knife attack? You most likely will not know until it's all over so do yourselves a favor, if it's at all possible in your career or lifestyle, and avoid violent altercations and places synonymous with violence. Unless your a police officer, corrections officer, door man at a night club/bar or active duty military personnel it is (usually) possible.
~Avoidance, situational awareness, escape and evasion are the best tools for defending against a knife attack for civilian martial artists, self-defense practitioners and law abiding citizens. For professional military and law enforcement officers they have weapons to deal with violent people and the legal authority to use those weapons, including deadly force, whereas most civilians do not retain that authority.
~To win without fighting is the mark of a true master in self-defense.
~Peace be with you,