Wednesday, January 27, 2016

~What We Do In Life Will Echo For Eternity~

~An interesting journey forges interesting people, so do not let the failures, mistakes, bad choices, defeats, heart breaks, and abuses from your past defeat your self-worth and intrinsic value. Rather realize that you can become a much wiser, spiritually stronger, humble, more beautiful, and innately more valuable human being. As well as growing closer to one's Creator and learning to walk in faith, hope, and compassionate love for all of creation.

~Everyone has an interesting story to tell and the most interesting journeys may be the most difficult and unpleasant, but they have the potential to inspire, encourage, mentor, help heal, and positively touch the lives of many whom are in need of such.

~Interesting lives attract both admiration and envious hate but do not be susceptible to either. It is better to be immune to both flattery praise as well as hateful slander for both can be just as dangerous to one's soul if the seeds are permitted to take root within one's heart.

~Regardless how mundane you 'think' that your life may be and insignificant you may feel, there is a purpose for your still being here and what you do now will echo for eternity. Every life that you touch is like a pebble tossed upon still water. The ripples become tides and they travel farther than one can ever imagine. We are each blessed with talents for creating goodness and sowing good seeds into our world, if we cleanse and open our hearts to our innate gifts.

~ As human beings our gifts can often be used for the bad just as they can for the good, if we allow ourselves to become more focused upon 'self' and less focused upon our Creator and our connection to the web of all life. We may justify our self-serving actions by believing them to be rooted in 'survival' but ultimately our greatest blessings will come as a direct result of helping others rather than helping 'ourselves'. It is a universal law that we shall reap whatever we have sown and like a farmer sowing seed we shall always reap more than what we have sown. It returns to us with 'interest'.

~Do not let the manure of your past, or the negative slander of them that would be threatened by your victorious rise from the ashes, discourage you from moving on to realize and achieve your innate potential for good. Rather utilize that manure, as a farmer, for fertilizing an abundant and rich crop of healthy and good produce. You feel like your life is 'manure' and waste but the most valuable things can grow and be nourished by 'manure'. The most useful things can be recycled from discarded waste and used to create beautiful and useful things.

~When we connect with the power of our Creator we are connected to the most powerful spirit and the source of all life, all creation, and all of the universe. When we attune ourselves to walk in harmony with that most powerful spirit we can receive great healing over mind, body, and spirit, along with restoration, rejuvenation, peace, inner joy, provision, and a multitude of good in our life.

~We can become a small candle by which whose light can dissipate a great deal of darkness. We can walk without the shackles of ego and the sickness of solipsism that machinates to enslave us all.

~We can feel a personal freedom from despair, worry, hatred, envy, jealousy, contentiousness, selfishness, lust, hopelessness, and all that enslaves the emotions, heart, and mind of humans across the earth.

~The journey is yours and what you do in life will echo for eternity.

