Thursday, June 13, 2013
Politics and the Constitution.
There is much debate today over the political head of this country and possible machinations being conspired against this country by that political head. One could surmise that many things that have been enacted seem rather reminiscent of historical actions taken by totalitarian regimes that preceded genocide, oppression, and violent revolutions. This is what spawns fear and civil unrest within the masses. Because history has always been a revolving door and where there's smoke there is fire, as many believe, this fear within the populace creates more than a little consternation.
This is why the U.S. Constitution was written and enacted, for the purpose of protecting the people from government oppression and possible tyranny. The first and second amendments were the most important for defending our civil liberties that is why they were made the first two on the list. For without these first two one could not ensure the others.
As Americans we have enjoyed the comfort of believing, or rather hoping, that our government would lead with the best interest of the people at heart. Theoretically the people believed that as long as we had the right to bear arms no totalitarian government would dare to rear it's ugly head. We believed that just having such a right and practicing it was enough to deter any government entities from being so seduced by the power loaned to them by the people that they may become corrupted into becoming a dictatorship. After all, throughout world history absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely. And with this realization in mind the draftsmen of the Constitution set out to form a document that would be a Teflon contract between the citizens and their elected government.
Today this Teflon contract, if I may refer to it as such, has been eroded by government agents until our Constitutional rights are suppressed and paid tribute to in lip service alone. One can only receive many of the benefits of those rights if one is extremely rich, politically connected, or part of the inner circle's machinations and those rights benefit their personal agenda. The Constitution merely lays out the innate rights of mankind and insures those indelible rights to the people of the U.S. of north America. Never the less, totalitarianism has raised it's ugly head ever so subtly over the years and leaders have been bought by lobbyists so that when they get elected into an office their very souls are already sold for cancerous gold. They have been bought by the big corporations and certain parties and have sold out the people and their country, with no thought for the future of our children and grand children's children! The love of wealth 'is' the root of all evil, as the holy scriptures say, and this evil has infused itself deeply into the very core of our country. The moral fabric of our society, in all groups, religions, cultures, and ethnicities have degraded over the years.
It's evident even in our children's entertainment, the education system, and the modern families' values compared to our grandparent's values.
We have corruption in our government at it's highest levels, in every political party, and in every demographic, but what is destroying our country most of all can not be blamed upon government leaders but upon ourselves! We the people! It's not one group or one culture to blame but all of us as a country of Americans from all races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, and backgrounds!
Can we bring about change, or is it too late? Are we too far gone now, too blinded, too callused and jaded to bring about the proper moral revolution needed to make even our leaders take notice and want to change? Yes, I said 'moral revolution' because that is what is needed and that is what it will take to turn this country around and save us from the decline that we are upon. Not economic stimuli, political impeachments, more jobs, more money, more fuel, or going greener. All of these things are good and needed but none of them will change this country's dilemma or stop it's descent into the rubble that awaits us, as another collapsed empire.
Some of you say 'good, it's about time that the U.S. reaped what it's sown.' But you don't think for a minute in all of your anger, hate, and bitterness that whenever a country collapses the horrible crimes that take place upon the innocent of that country is too terrible to speak of. We can just look at the Hurricane Katrina aftermath and see the atrocities committed against countless women, children, and elderly. Many whose blood still cries out from the earth for justice. The horrors of anarchy, civil wars, famine, and drought that accompany the collapse of a country are nothing any of us should cheer or rejoice for the thought of...Yet many I have spoken with do.
We live in a country where the Immigration Enforcement Agency has reported that their are more slaves living in this country now than before the Emancipation Proclamation. A country where more narcotics are bought and consumed than in all of the other countries in the world. Where divorce and broken home statistics are higher than in any other country in the world. Where our children are raised upon a culture of violent music, violent television, and even more violent video games which are indoctrinating them from a very early age to be desensitized to death and murder. Then we act shocked that we have one of the highest violent crime rates in the world! We act shocked when some child murders his bully, his classmate, his teacher, or his parent. We see so many mothers and fathers who rather amuse themselves with entertainment, or numb themselves with escapism or mind/mood altering substances, or go out to the club or casino than to spend time being a mentor and teacher to their children. Or being a better help meet and friend to their spouse. We pay bundles of money to a stranger to listen to our problems as we sit in their office or lay on their couch because our own love ones & friends don't have the time or the compassion to lend us an ear. We look for reasons to hate one another and blame one another for our own personal problems when that specific individual probably has nothing to do with anything we have suffered or gone through in this life. We rather blame others than to blame ourselves for our own personal mistakes, wrong paths, crimes, bad choices, and failure as human beings. We live in a country where so many have acquired a sense of self-entitlement and great ambition but lack the discipline and steady work ethnic that it takes to achieve such ambitions. Then some of us get upset when the immigrant who has that work ethic and ambition comes over and achieves the success we felt that was ours.
This is why we need a revolution...a revolution of the heart, mind, and spirit...a revolution of the soul...'A Moral Revolution.'
I've said all of this to come back full circle. We can sit around and blame political entities, whom may or may not be nefarious and prevaricating, but in the end the ultimate responsibility falls in the laps of the American people. Our complacency, apathy, and lack of moral fiber is outrageous when compared to our grandparents and they whom came before us. Ultimately it's going to take a revolution and unification of the American citizens to bring about positive change and not some political savior or government entity. The worst mistake any nation can make is to hand over all of their power to the authority of a government entity. This has always been a recipe for disaster.
It's my prayer that these changes be enacted within each and every heart of the people of this country before we find ourselves being led into collapse and captivity, like many great countries before. History is a revolving door, either we learn from it or we are destined to repeat it.
By: Andrew Soldier. June 2013.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Never letting past mistakes and failures dictate who we are.
We must not let the mistakes and failures of our past dictate who and what we are.
We have the choice and gift of free will to remain in that murky place or shake it off, repent,
reconcile, make peace, and move on to more positive things.
As long as we still have breath we can still live our lives for the betterment of humanity, in service to
our Creator, and in that process we shall better ourselves.
Let the manure of our past mistakes and wrongs act as the fertilizer for the garden of our new and
beautiful future as we live it in the service of our Creator, our Lord, and those that suffer and hurt.
Meaning everyone, since we all suffer and hurt at one time or another. aho-emen.
We have the choice and gift of free will to remain in that murky place or shake it off, repent,
reconcile, make peace, and move on to more positive things.
As long as we still have breath we can still live our lives for the betterment of humanity, in service to
our Creator, and in that process we shall better ourselves.
Let the manure of our past mistakes and wrongs act as the fertilizer for the garden of our new and
beautiful future as we live it in the service of our Creator, our Lord, and those that suffer and hurt.
Meaning everyone, since we all suffer and hurt at one time or another. aho-emen.
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