Thursday, June 26, 2014

" Too Easy: An Infantry Soldier's Life "

   I recall when Tennessee Titans football team went to Fort Campbell, Kentucky to try and do morning physical training with my unit 3rd Battalion, 327th Infantry 1st Brigade Combat Team "Bastogne" 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Steve McNair (RIP) said on television news, "We are NFL football players but we can't hang with these men. They look like ordinary men but these guys are like supermen. It's incredible what they can do."
  On news footage they showed all the Titans falling out of a ruck-run, some couldn't get up with a full ruck load, some gave up and said 'no way, can't take this'...It was a reality check for NFL athletes and the fans who watched that news broadcast.
  Infantrymen don't do it for money, cause the pay sucks, nor for fame or recognition because most people never hear about our work and the rest don't believe it, nor because it's glamorous...It's just 'who' one is and 'what' one does...You're either cut out for that life or your not...A happy band of masochists who (rather than complain) say when their cold, wet, hungry, sleep deprived and humping 120lbs of extra weight for 25miles, "Hoo-ah!!! Let it suck some more!"
  When they've done enough physical exercise that their limbs are jelly and they can barely stand up, the Infantrymen will shout, " We like it! We love it! We want some more of it! Make it hurt! Make it hurt! Make it hurt! " Men who say, "Pain is just weakness leaving the body! Pain is our best friend, it lets us know we're still alive!"
  Men who get off on the pain and misery that makes other men cringe and withdraw...Men who value honor, camaraderie, brotherhood, courage, strength, and altruistic love above all other things...Men who mean what they say and say what they mean...Men who are not afraid to suffer and sacrifice their lives for honor, loyalty, and to protect the people they love (or the people they don't even know)...Men who hate bullies and whose greatest joy in life is to make the predator become the prey...Men who are professionals even before they are old enough to shave or buy a beer...Men whom, despite hunger, fatigue, muscle failure, sleep deprivation, cramps, blisters, flu virus, high temperature, or injury, will parachute or rappel into an area of operation and then run a literal marathon under a full combat load just to get to the fight of their lives!
  So tell me again, how 'sports' athletes who get paid multi million dollar contracts have it so tough playing with a broke finger or cramps (Lebran James), how a gangsta rapper (50cent) on stage feels like his job is equal to being a combat soldier, or an actor (Tom Cruise) says his job is every bit as hard as being an Infantry Marine in Afghanistan...Maybe we should give them another 50million dollars annually, along with a hug, since those cup~cakes got it so tough.

Monday, June 23, 2014

'It Is No Mark Of Success To Be Well Adjusted To A Profoundly Sick World'

  The Brazilian military, at the behest of mining and logging corporations, has been forcefully removing, attacking, beating, and even killing Indigenous Natives.
  Many Indigenous Natives have traveled by foot into the cities to go before the courts and complain only to have their pleas for justice and salvation ignored...The more things change the more they remain the same...Atrocities many claim have passed into history are still happening today against indigenous peoples whom have attacked no one, terrorized no one, and have even tried to grieve to the law of the land about the abuses, terror, and murder they are suffering from an attempt to drive them from their home land which lies deep in the jungles of Brazil far from cities or towns. 1stTimothy 6:10: "For the love of money is the root of all manner of evil." 
  It would seem that the so-called Roman Catholic Government of Brazil has never studied their countries' most popular religion...Or perhaps they have and are merely following in the steps of the Roman Vatican's historical enslavement and murder of indigenous populations.
  What ever happened to, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?' Or 'love thy neighbor as thyself?'
  Just like every other Government: U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Columbia where they have and sometime still are killing indigenous Native people to drive them from their homes and farms, or African countries where the mainstream population and Government often hunt and kill Sani Bushmen and Pygmy people. Southeast Asia where Governments commit genocide against Karen people, The Laos Government who hunt the Mong people, the Arab countries where Government tries to force Bedouin people onto plots of land with Government housing, and Australia Government whom still attempt to drive indigenous Aboriginal people from their homeland. 
  The Brazilian Government has not changed very much from their historical days of hunting and oppressing indigenous Native people.
  Perhaps in 50-100years they shall teach in Brazil's schools how these peaceful people they now terrorize and kill while stealing their home land were violent people who attacked the Latino/Afro Brazilian population and so the military had to be sent in to quell their uprisings.
  They will not mention in history books how even after being attacked, beaten, homes burned, abused, and even some of their family killed these indigenous people, showing the restraint of true Saints, traveling by foot to appeal before the law of the land and plead for salvation and mercy from these crimes committed against them...
  I'm sure the history books will white wash the entire actions of the Brazilian Latino Government and villainies the Indigenous People, just as they have their ancestors in times before when the Latinos and Africans were conquering Brazil and building a Latin country. And just as the U.S. has done here in building an Anglo/Afro, and in some parts Latin, country...Latin meaning 'Roman' and referring to descendants of the Romans: Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Just to clarify because many today whom are predominantly Indigenous Americans by blood, some having no European blood in their veins, claim to be Latin/Latino. Anglo referring to descendants of the English and Euro-countries conquered by the English.
  In Jamaica almost all Indigenous Guarani 'Indans' are extinct, but for some of the local black Afro~Jamaicans whom have Guarani blood in their ancestry, because after the Afro~Jamaicans drove out the French slave owners in a civil war they eventually eradicated the remaining Indigenous Guarani living in the mountains.
  No other peoples on this planet seem to be historically (and evidently up until the present) hunted and eradicated at such a high rate as Indigenous American peoples from the Arctic all the way down to Argentina whenever their land and natural resources are to be desired.
  The King Family of Texas owns more land than any other family in the U.S. and yet throughout history the U.S. Government has not forced them off their land or forced them to give up mineral rights or any other rights on their thousands of acres...If it were only about land why are they too not victims of corporate Government greed?
  This is 2014 and I see more Facebook posts and media outrage about protecting stray dogs and cats or leaving pets in a locked car (which 'is' cruel) than I see about the human atrocities and crimes still being committed against Indigenous people in the Americas: from the epidemic rate of missing and murdered First Nation women and girls in Canada, to the same epidemic here in the U.S. and in Mexico, the Government sanctioned murders of Tarumara people in northern Mexico, the Columbian Government and the Cartels' attacks and crimes against the Indigenous Kogi people of the Mountains of Columbia, and the Government atrocities also against the Indigenous jungle people of Brazil, among many others I have failed to mention for brevity sake.
  Why is that the world gets in more upheaval over the killing of a single 17 year old young man in Florida (which is a tragedy) but does not bat an eye over the current epidemic kidnappings, rapes, multiple murders, or Government sanctioned attacks against Indigenous people across the Americas and in the U.S.A.?
  Why does the kidnapping of a Caucasian or African American child make national news in both the U.S.A. and Canada but the epidemic kidnappings and murders of Indigenous girls and women seldom make the local news?
  Even now many reading this would ask, "What epidemic of disappearing women and girls? I've never heard about it on local or national news?" (Exactly...)
  But PBS has done numerous documentaries about it, Independent Lens has covered it, Native News Letters have covered it, books have been written about it, and it's often on the Net.
  The Indigenous Movement 'Idle No More' was raising huge awareness about this epidemic and when they were getting some media attention on the web 'someone' within the media decided to avert the attention away from this extremely important issue (along with others being raised) just as they were gathering momentum and redirect the massive national attention to the issue of bigotry in the professional sport teams' mascots which denigrate Indigenous people.
  Now is it perhaps because multitudes of disappearing Indigenous women is not as upsetting to mainstream Americans and Canadians as challenging the mascot of some stupid sports team?
  Does it take attacking a professional sports team's mascot to get mainstream public up in arms when other issues concerning life and death (some affecting all Americans and Canadians) such as the 'fracking', continental oil pipeline, toxic waste dumping in drinking and fishing waters, and neglected massive oil spills in drinking and fishing waters were barely making ripples in the media nor causing much uproar in mainstream society during the earlier Idle No More movement?
  If such life and death issues concerning all people, along with an epidemic of disappearing and murdered bodies of women, can barely cause a ripple then why is the calling into question about the mascot of 'sports' teams creating such a massive recoil throughout the U.S. and Canada? 
Now ask yourself for a moment, what does this say about the integrity and priorities of the people?
  Where is the outrage where outrage is due? When does injustice take a back seat to entertainment within a nation of peoples? How can you call yourself and Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Mormon, Seven Day Adventist, or even a person of conscience and be so profoundly sick?
  "It is not the mark of success to be well adjusted in such a profoundly sick world."

AnDrew Soldier.