Massachusetts and the city of Boston have some of the strictest gun laws in the and yet this didn’t stop terrorist from acquiring firearms and building explosives.
Strategy of Terror refers to black operations performed by nefarious groups within the government whom believe that the sacrificing of a few is for a greater good for the many, according to their own beliefs and global agendas. They carry these operations out via ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks meant to appear as the work of our enemies in order to instill shock and fear into a society to create a psychological 'stampede', if you will, to encourage the masses to willingly run straight towards the agenda prepared for them by a government entity.
If a government were to create fear and panic by injecting terroristic actions into society then many would rally to the government's proposal of national disarmament of citizens thus facilitating the next step in their machinations towards Totalitarianism. Disarming citizens would not protect them from crime but is rather meant to ‘defang’ them to facilitate the machinations of a totalitarian government which hides its face behind a mask of democracy until it is safe to remove that mask...Once its citizens have been ‘defanged’. So a strategy of terror could very well be the catalyst needed to coerce citizens by fear into throwing themselves at the mercy of their government.
Currently defanging citizens seems to be a trend being followed by many of the governments of the United Nations: Engaging in the disarmament of private citizens, even if a Strategy of Terror via ‘false flag terrorist attacks’ must be used to lead them into willingly accepting such 'de-fangment'.
First the U.K., followed by Australia, and now recently the U.S. government is pushing the issue here in North America. Met by strong opposition by certain Constitutional Rights advocates, such as the N.R.A., it would seem that ‘strategy of terror operations’ via false flag terrorist attacks, like the U.S. intelligence community once engaged in during the Cold War Era in Europe known as Operation Gladio, would be effective in swaying the masses to relinquish the power of the people and give absolute power to their government.
Fear is a great tool in manipulating the human mind, will, and emotions. Fear is how every great totalitarian government or dictatorship rose to power throughout world history, by swaying the mind, will, and emotions of the masses. And once they disarmed their citizens they were able to carry out their plans through military prowess and naked aggression.
Would they engage in terrorist false flag operations to destabilize society, sway the hearts & minds of the masses, and facilitate their agendas? In war generals will intentionally sacrifice a portion of their soldiers to achieve their overall objective, much like a Chess game, and this is considered acceptable losses. They're casualties of war.
So would governments with such a mindset engage in such Machiavellian type machinations against their own civilian populations? History says 'absolutely', because it's been done before and many times since!
Historically when a government sought to disarm it's populace from having the ability to defend itself from military/government aggression that populace (Country) without fail suffered a Totalitarian Revolution resulting in the oppression, if not genocide, of particular groups within that very country.
Let me close with this, "History is a revolving door." Those whom refuse to learn from it are destined to suffer from her most devoted and uncouth students.
Them being possessed with the unquenchable thirst for power. While absolute power corrupts absolutely.*