~If illegal immigration is what nearly whiped out our Indigenous ancestors why would we think that promoting illegal immigration will somehow reverse the wrongs that were done and everything will work out just fine?
~When the over population of mass immigration due to taking in the planets' immigrants, assylum seekers, refugees, jihadis, criminal cartels and fugitives creates another land grab, whose land will be up for grabs?
~It will be like before, like always, when they'll sieze tribal lands to make room for the over population of 'illegal' immigrants.
~That's what goes through my mind when I hear or see our people defending illegal immigration and calling border security racism.
~All I see is the loss of more tribal lands and the further marginalization of Indigenous Americans. The destruction of tribal communities. And the further loss of language and culture that stems from these things...That's what I see when our relatives promote multiculturalism, open borders and illegal immigration.
~And it breaks my heart that they can't see it. Too often we participate in our own destruction due to lack of foresight.
~Every single country on this planet has immigration laws and they're put into place for many reasons, including national security, disease control, over population control, distribution and protection of natural resources and many other reasons that would require an essay to address.
~Yet none of these other countries are branded as 'bigots' or 'racists' for maintaining border security and enforcing their immigration laws.
~Please think about these things for a moment.
Peace be with you,