Is the New World Order, One World Globalist Government, a conspiracy "theory" or is it based upon documented facts?
Many of you have heard several former POTUS's declare in speeches to the United Nations that it's time for a change, it's time for a new world order.
There is archive video footage of former president Clinton, former President Bush and former president Obama declaring this.
There's also video footage of former president Trump declaring to the United Nations that the United States would remain a sovereign nation and would not join the new world order. . . before a massive campaign on every level was launched to defame, slander, impeach and arrest him in order to remove him from office as POTUS and prevent him from ever running for office again.
His crime was opposing the globalist agenda as well as attempting to disrupt their criminal acquisitions of wealth and human/child trafficking enterprises.
There have been federal whistle blowers over the decades whom have written books, given lectures and spoken, wherever they're invited to speak, across the United States to warn citizens of the machinating globalist plans to destabilize, collapse and replace the United States and every other sovereign nation on the earth with a tyrannical one world order government.
John F. Kennedy warned the American people in a speech, shortly before he was murdered, that there was a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in America and before he leaves office he planned to expose it and those involved.
He was assassinated not many days after that speech.
The most decorated FBI agent in U.S. history, Special Agent Ted Gunderson, retired with honors and became a whistle blower exposing government corruption, including the Epstein pedophile island decades before Jeffrey Epstein was arrested by the Trump administration, and Ted Gunderson warned citizens of the globalist machination being perpetrated against the Constitutional Republic and the citizens of the United States to enslave everyone on this earth, in every continent, under a tyrannical, globalist, one world government.
He warned that under this new world order, the one world government, private land ownership, private weapons ownership, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and every constitutional right afforded to American citizens shall be illegal under the new world order/ one world government.
But then there was an intelligence officer tasked with investigating every secret society on earth to see if any posed a threat to the security of the United States of America and he discovered the Committee of 300.
What he learned disturbed him so much that he wrote a report on his findings, gave it to his superiors, and it was kept hidden. His career was persecuted for finding and attempting to expose these wealthy, totalitarian, globalist conspirators whom machinate to collapse every sovereign nation from within then reign them in under a totalitarian one world government that's puppeteering the United Nations.
His report on the Committee of 300 was suppressed, kept in the intelligence archives, for many years until it was declassified.
These are the conspirators responsible for erecting the Georgia Guidestones Manifesto (a globalist manifesto).
They fund and arm any revolutionary groups, Marxist communist groups, Ideological Subversion groups, Islamic Jihadi terrorist groups, Cartel Narco-Terrorists, Bioweapons blamed upon animals and mass illegal immigration, for the purpose of destabilizing nations, collapsing economies, destroying nations from within, for the purpose of restructuring them as part of the new world order: one world government.
Their plans will effect every single sovereign nation, every continent, on earth.
Their goal is driven by greed, power and covetousness, to own and control all the earth's land, water, air, resources, produce and the people whom occupy this planet.
They are the enemies to every man, woman and child upon this planet.
Their plot is to enslave each and every one of you. You'll own nothing and you'll submit and obey. . .if you desire to exist on their planet, living under their tyrannical one world government.
Before this old CIA report was declassified, you may have declared this article to be the ramblings of a conspiracy theorist.
Isn't that what the government always does to whistleblowers and rogue journalists?
Brand them as conspiracy 'theorists', despite compelling evidence, in order to turn the public attention away from the Intel being presented and then distract the masses with bread & circus.
The titanic was sinking even while the entertainment kept playing music to distract the soon to be deceased from the reality of their tragic fate.
♣Rendezvous with Destiny♣
September 2023