We read about government criminality and treason against the constitution which is readily available to the public, often years after the statute of limitation, so to speak, has passed. They don't say in Wikipedia concerning the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, but whistleblowers came forward admitting some of the men were injected with syphilis without their knowledge during these expirements.
But this is only one of the incidents of U.S. government abusing & killing citizens. And performing medical experiments on the unsuspecting. The military does the same thing to unsuspecting troops. Most aren't educated on the government programs as recently as the late 70s and early 80s when Indigenous American females were sterilized against their knowledge and will while visiting government medical clinics. Or state & federal government human trafficking programs where Indigenous parents in the U.S. were told their baby died but in fact was sold on the black market through adoption agencies whom later claimed "fire" destroyed their records when inquiries and private investigations were made. These stolen children are known as Lost Birds in some Indigenous communities.
We often dismiss the U.S. government's criminality by saying, "That's in the past. They don't do that anymore. Let it go. Move on. Live in the moment."
Then when they're exposed for another crime, we quickly forget and in a couple years we say, "That's in the past, let it go, they're not doing that anymore." As we wave their flag and vote for their parties filled with gangsters & marxists & globalists. Enemies to the Constitution we swore to defend & protect from enemies both foreign AND domestic.
If we treated the U.S. Government as we treat & judge individuals, we'd look at Uncle Sam's juvenile record and his adult record and we'd find that from the beginning until the present he's been guilty of AntiConstitutional crimes with a criminal record that extends from today, right now, to his early childhood. Yet he's never been indicted, never been brought to justice and we make excuses for him by always trying to say, "Well noone's innocent. Everyone's guilty of something and others (governments) are just as bad if not worse."
Imagine if individuals could excuse our wrong doings and crimes this way, by saying, well I'm not the only one and others have done the same or much worse. Wow. But we accept this excuse from a government that we'd never accept from each other.
Imagine if I could murder a white person or black person to steal whatever is their's and when caught I said, "Well their ancestors have done the same things and worse to my ancestors. Even recently. So let's forget about this and just move on." Would that be an acceptible excuse? Surely not. Yet many make this excuse daily concerning the U.S. Government and other governments. State & Federal.
Many speak of Uncle Sam's criminal history as if it were a sealed juvenile record and he's turned over a new leaf once he built his empire on the profits of his juvenile gangster career. A gangster whose now gone legit, so to speak, and is the pillar of the community.
Yet whistle blowers have came forward consistantly since his juvenile gangster career up until today, this very moment, and we either dismiss them or they disappear, they're found suicided (Clinton's witnesses), die of sudden heart attacks (dymetholphynol), they're arrested (wikileaks) or they are declared traitors to the government (not to the constitution) and must flee in exile to a foreign country for protection (Snowden).
And we continue to wave our flags and vote for the next gangster whom makes the same tired promises, giving our tax dollars to make them millionaires while blaming disabled people & disenfranchized for stealing our tax dollars, the poor becoming the government's scape goats once again, and we quickly dismiss or willfully forget the continual unconstitutional crimes of the government. Like good stockholme syndrome children.
And the machinating government cleverly hides his current crimes by constantly bringing up his old crimes that are beyond the statute of limitations, getting people emotionally invested in crimes that the government knows he can no longer be prosecuted for but is a clever distraction from the recent & current crimes which can be dealt with if only we'd stop being so easily distracted and emotionally manipulated.
We're dealing with a clever serial killer, serial robber, serial thief, serial criminal, a super-gangster among super-gangsters. And all over the world we the people believe more government is the answer to all our problems. More super-gangster intervention.
Government politicians so easily buy us off by offering us a few dollars, a government check, some program money (bribes) and in return demand our loyalty much like a mafia boss. We're so easily bought by temporal money while they steal more of our land, more of our Constitutional Rights and impose upon us higher taxes, raise the cost of living, raise the cost of fuel, put more weight upon our neck, increase our burdens but they're such nice guys cause they speak so eloquently while they're at it and they give us free swag. It feels like we're receiving pretty glass beads in exchange for our country, our freedoms and our future whenever we support political puppets whom promise us free stuff, more swag, the same tired promises while they play to our emotional triggers of their historical crimes to distract us from their current crimes.
This well dressed, eloquently spoken, educated, promise making, gangster (uncle sam) knows he can charm his peasant masses and manipulate their emotional triggers at will, through his government controlled propoganda machine (news media and television stations) to program us with what to think, what to believe, what to disbelieve and ultimately confuse us into not knowing what to believe is real anymore. . . This is called gas-lighting. Emotional, Psychological, Abuse. Played on a grand scale. It's also both Globalist & Marxist psychological operations.
If uncle sam were an individual the people would have tried & convicted him by now. But since he's a government, corporate, entity we give him a pass and make excuses for his continual criminality.
He hides his Anti-Constitutional, Globalist, face and Marxist hands behind a facade of Constitutional freedom. Playing divide & conquer games via race baiting, marxist psy-ops and petty bribery.
Shhhh, you're only dreaming, go back to sleep and uncle sam will bring you lots of presents in the morning.