~If you're interests delve into the realms of criminology, criminal science, psychology, stress/fear management, people management, self-protection, combatives, counter-detention, survival, fighting fitness, Budo, prison politics, prison sub-culture, spirituality and much more than this is a book which will grab your attention and hold onto it until the last page is turned over.
~Written as a self-help/personal development book, When Hell Becomes Your Home: How I Survived 14Years In Prison by Author N. Cognito, this manual is actually so much more!
~Not only a valuable manual for a newly incarcerated love one or someone whom possibly faces incarceration and wishes to possess the psychological tools and wisdom to survive the most challenging moment of their life, but also an extremely insightful manual for anyone whom works in corrections, teaches self-defense/self-protection, works in law enforcement, studies at university, wishes to better understand the psychology of human survival, works with at risk delinquent youth, majors in sociology, has ever been on a spiritual quest, or simply has a respect for what it takes to over come extreme circumstances in the face of major adversity.
~This personal development book is written by an elite U.S. Army soldier with no criminal history whom was thrust into the prison system and forced to survive on his own within a world that he knew nothing about. Imagine being a soldier trapped alone deep behind enemy lines, in an urban environment, vastly outnumbered by superior forces, unarmed, no back up, no one coming to rescue you, no chance of escape and evasion, surrounded by atrocious brutality, no adequate medical care, no adequate nutrition, and for the most part ignorant to the local culture...How would you feel? Most importantly, how would you survive?
~The author of this book survived very similar situations, over a fourteen year period, learning through trial and error. Drawing upon his personal military training and experiences the author adapted and overcame as a survivor until one day while contemplating the question in his mind of how well his own son, without the same benefit of the author's prior training, would fair should he find himself in such a horrible place the author began to write for his son all of the most important things he would need to know.
~Sitting in his prison cell his pen began to write, as if writing to his own son, the most vital pieces of information that one would need to possess in order to have a fighting chance of surviving such a world and avoiding the most dangerous pit falls that await the uninitiated. Only later was he made to realize that this work should be shared with the public in order to help others in the way he had desired to help his own son.
~The information within the pages of the personal-development/self-help book are drawn strictly from the author's personal experience. Some have said that experience is the best and most cruel teacher of all. The knowledge and wisdom that the author had to earn the hard way: through a life of adversity and tribulations, is being readily given to the reader without having themselves earn it through the same crucibles.
~I would classify this work as being a self-help/personal-development book derived from the author's autobiographical experiences. Thus, in my humble opinion, making it more valuable than the theoretical. For if one should teach from theory and another should teach from their personal experience than with whom does the wisdom lie?
~This book is available in paperback print at and is offered 'on sale' for $3.63 U.S. dollars. If interested parties would log onto the book publishing site and search for either the title When Hell Becomes Your Home or the name Author N. Cognito then a copy can be readily attained at such a discount price. It is the author's desire to share life saving knowledge with readers more than to merely accrue monetary profits, so he offers it at the lowest price possible.
~Having read this book myself, as have many of my associates, I must say that the amount of knowledge contained in such a relatively brief book is astounding and yet written in a manner that one's attention never strays from it's pages. Though originally intended to give the reader the tools necessary to survive within the dangerous criminal underworld of prison the concepts and tools found within these pages just as easily apply to the dangerous streets of civil society while providing the reader with vital tools for dealing with stress, fear, anger, grief, and an assortment of other challenges we all face in our daily lives!~