Friday, June 2, 2017

***Luciferian Promises: What Would One Do For Secret Knowledge and Power***

"Bow down and worship me and I'll give you all the kingdoms of the earth."...
"Eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree and you'll gain knowledge and become like God."

Same old song still being sung to the naïve today. Still being offered by secret societies and cults across the globe to unsuspecting and intrigued..And they rise to power and material wealth while sacrificing their eternal souls upon the altar of material wealth and political influence.
Whatever we do in this life will echo for eternity...all the good, the bad and the ugly. 

So let us examine our hearts, our ambitions, our life purpose and our eventual deaths daily for there comes a day that our souls must give account for all that we have done and the motives for why we have done them.

May we always walk in harmony, peace and be a blessing to all the lives whom we touch.

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