Friday, June 2, 2017

***Favoritism, Special Privelages Or Equal Rights***

~The liberal, globalist, media is now trying to compare the civil rights movement for equality of all races and ethnicities to the transvestite unisex bathroom agenda.

~The thing is you cannot identify as black. You ARE black.
~You can't change it. Go bleach your skin all you want and you're still black.

~You are born a man and identify as a woman so you go under the knife to change it. That's not the same as being black.
~This is not changeable, so there's no coorelation between racial/ethnic groups using integrated restrooms and men and women using the same restrooms.

~If we're going to get silly let's just be silly and give everyone the same, equal, rights. No sense in giving transvestites and homosexuals 'special privelages', if it's really about equality.

~Let ALL men use the ladies restroom and ALL boys use the public school girl's restrooms and locker-room.

~Why not let boys shower with girls in the public school locker-rooms? Why do transvestite males get special privileges?

~Is it about equal rights when you give 'special privelages' to one group that isn't granted to all?

~Is it less about equal rights and more about special privelages for people with psychosis?

~The Homosexuals claim they're born to engage in intercourse with the same gender, as if it's not a free will choice in where they put their genitals. The transvestites claim they were born in the wrong body and it's not their free will choice what clothes they wear and that they perpetrate the fraud of being a female.

~The pedophiles claim they were born attracted to children so they're not responsible for preying upon our children. The zoophiliacs claim they were born sexually attracted to animals, so it's not their fault. The necrophiliacs claim they were born with a need to rape dead corpses. The serial killers claim that they were born sociopathic and psychotic.

~Noone is responsible for their own actions and acting upon their own desires, regardless how bent they are or aren't, because they can just play 'the born that way' card.

~We have more compassion on these 'born that way' claimants than we do on people whom were preyed upon or abused as children in a way that caused them to grow up to be racists or bigots. We'd verbally crucify a person for harboring any amount of fear, distrust, bigotry or racism, based upon their personal victimization, but everyone else with a mental/spiritual disorder was 'born that way' so it's all good.

~Perhaps the political battles being waged for the special privileges of the dysfunctional and perverse is supported so strongly by the liberal media, Hollywood and government officials because they see it as one step closer to legalizing their own form of perversion in our homeland? Perhaps their paving the way for their long game?...the legalization of pedophilia.


~It's not about equality...It's about special favors and privelages. It's about promoting disharmony and chaos in the world rather than about promoting harmony and peace.

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