Having studied both Aikido and Daito Ryu, as well as having read everything written by Morihei Ueshiba that I could acquire in my lifetime, it's indisputable to me that Daito Ryu is an effective combative art while Aikido is exactly what O'sensei Morihei Ueshiba claimed Aikido to be, “It's not for fighting but rather for excercise only.”
Morihei Ueshiba came from a background in effective combative arts such as Koryu Jujutsu, Kenjutsu, Yarijutsu, Jojutsu and under Sokaku Takeda he learned Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu.
Later in life he had become a priest in the pacifist Omoto Kyo religious sect of Shinto and renounced violence. So he created aikido as a partner assisted, non-competitive, form of mutual excercise which he used as a vehicle to recruit disciples for his omoto kyo religious cult and to spread the teachings of the omoto kyo religious sect.
Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, on the other hand, was the secretive combative art of court guards (bailiffs) of a certain samurai clan, during feudal Japan, which Sokaku Takeda inherited as a descendant of that family clan as the last samurai born to that clan.
It lives on today through direct student heir lineages of Sokaku Takeda who passed down the art to their select students and the headquarter school is located in Japan. It's an art of weapon retention and counter-abduction, counter-restraint, that court guards learned and family members of a certain samurai clan learned.
Even today many claim to teach ‘aikijujutsu' but have zero knowledge and zero understanding of the aikiage and aikisage biomechanics. Nor have they ever studied Daito Ryu from which aiki biomechanics originate.
Daito Ryu can not be imitated by observation and this is why so many frauds exist claiming to teach aikijujutsu without having studied/trained Daito Ryu. And this is why many observers think that Daito Ryu is fake simply by observation but never having touched hands with a practitioner or master of Daito Ryu.
Daito Ryu is a scientific Bugei which teaches bujutsu in different forms. Or westerners may think of it in terms of three different arts within the Bugei of Daito Ryu.
- Jujutsu waza. What happens when we grab the opponent.
- Aiki waza. What happens when the opponent grabs us: Aiki-age & Aiki-sage.
- Aiki No Jutsu. Shadow locking science which maintains the lock upon the opponent after we remove our hands from the opponent after we've locked their body. . .this is the 3rd final art of the Daito Ryu Bugei which is only maintained by the Daito Ryu Koshinkai school of the Horikawa lineage.
The above video is actually of a master of Daito Ryu Koshinkai Aiki Jujutsu , not aikido, and he's of a lineage of Daito Ryu that decends from Sokaku Takeda's closest disciple Horikawa sensei.
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