Friday, September 29, 2023

Did Kodokan Judo Ever Incorporate Striking In The Art Of Judo?

 Here is U.S. Army Captain Allan C. Smith the first American graduate of the Kodokan in Japan and instructor to WW1 U.S. Army Infantrymen.

This video link is Pre-WW2 Kodokan Judo and it was heavily dependent upon both atemi waza (striking technique) to set up throws and take downs as well as finishing strikes delivered to downed attackers.

Judo had striking in Pre-WW2 Kodokan Judo.

In addition, notice ‘before’ there was W.E. Fairbairn teaching his military gutterfighting and police defendu (combatives) in post WWI Shanghai China and during WWII, America had WWI Army Captain, Allen C. Smith, teaching the exact same methods to American Infantrymen going off to the trenches of the first world war.

Captain Allen C. Smith, the grandfather of modern military combatives.

The first American graduate of the Kodokan in Japan, when it was still called Kano Jiujitsu in the west.

The first to publish a book in America teaching Japanese Kano Jiujitsu aka Judo to American readers.

      It's important to note that although Pre-WW2 Kodokan Judo included atemi waza using hands, elbows, knees and feet, there is no striking of any kind allowed in competitive sport IJF Judo or Olympic Judo.

      In fact, the only striking or atemi waza surviving in Kodokan Judo today is preserved in a Kata but is not trained 'live' so many modern Judoka after WW2 had to cross train in kara te or western boxing to cultivate functional, combative, atemi waza. 

        In the 1943 martial art action film, Blood On The Sun, starring actor/judoka/boxer James Cagney there's very good demonstrations of Pre-War Judo atemi waza (strikes) used to attack or to set up throws during the fight scenes choreography.
        Link to the movie, Blood On The Sun, is linked below:

The infamous 'Judo Chop' of pre-olympics Judo, ridiculed by the masses, was actually called Tegatana Ate Waza and was directed at the carotid sinus of the neck, the steno mastoid, the trachea, the philtrum under the nose, the nape of the neck, the clavicle, the bicep and the ninth rib to either set up grappling attacks or as a finishing blow, depending upon the target. 

     Judo once having been proven the most formidable unarmed combat art in it's early era later became sport focused after becoming an Olympic sport. 

     It's still formidable in it's sport form but many techniques are no longer taught or simply not practiced and atemi waza striking has been removed by most Judo clubs in training. If still taught they're only taught in the form of a kata but not drilled or programmed alongside of goshin jutsu drills. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What's the difference between Aikido & Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu?

 Having studied both Aikido and Daito Ryu, as well as having read everything written by Morihei Ueshiba that I could acquire in my lifetime, it's indisputable to me that Daito Ryu is an effective combative art while Aikido is exactly what O'sensei Morihei Ueshiba claimed Aikido to be, “It's not for fighting but rather for excercise only.”

Morihei Ueshiba came from a background in effective combative arts such as Koryu Jujutsu, Kenjutsu, Yarijutsu, Jojutsu and under Sokaku Takeda he learned Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu.

Later in life he had become a priest in the pacifist Omoto Kyo religious sect of Shinto and renounced violence. So he created aikido as a partner assisted, non-competitive, form of mutual excercise which he used as a vehicle to recruit disciples for his omoto kyo religious cult and to spread the teachings of the omoto kyo religious sect.

Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, on the other hand, was the secretive combative art of court guards (bailiffs) of a certain samurai clan, during feudal Japan, which Sokaku Takeda inherited as a descendant of that family clan as the last samurai born to that clan.

It lives on today through direct student heir lineages of Sokaku Takeda who passed down the art to their select students and the headquarter school is located in Japan. It's an art of weapon retention and counter-abduction, counter-restraint, that court guards learned and family members of a certain samurai clan learned.

Even today many claim to teach ‘aikijujutsu' but have zero knowledge and zero understanding of the aikiage and aikisage biomechanics. Nor have they ever studied Daito Ryu from which aiki biomechanics originate.

Daito Ryu can not be imitated by observation and this is why so many frauds exist claiming to teach aikijujutsu without having studied/trained Daito Ryu. And this is why many observers think that Daito Ryu is fake simply by observation but never having touched hands with a practitioner or master of Daito Ryu.

Daito Ryu is a scientific Bugei which teaches bujutsu in different forms. Or westerners may think of it in terms of three different arts within the Bugei of Daito Ryu.

  1. Jujutsu waza. What happens when we grab the opponent.
  2. Aiki waza. What happens when the opponent grabs us: Aiki-age & Aiki-sage.
  3. Aiki No Jutsu. Shadow locking science which maintains the lock upon the opponent after we remove our hands from the opponent after we've locked their body. . .this is the 3rd final art of the Daito Ryu Bugei which is only maintained by the Daito Ryu Koshinkai school of the Horikawa lineage.

The above video is actually of a master of Daito Ryu Koshinkai Aiki Jujutsu , not aikido, and he's of a lineage of Daito Ryu that decends from Sokaku Takeda's closest disciple Horikawa sensei.

Is it real?

Daito Ryu Playlist Videos For Research:

Friday, September 22, 2023

Committee of 300: Globalist One World Government

 Is the New World Order, One World Globalist Government, a conspiracy "theory" or is it based upon documented facts? 

Many of you have heard several former POTUS's declare in speeches to the United Nations that it's time for a change, it's time for a new world order.

There is archive video footage of former president Clinton, former President Bush and former president Obama declaring this.

There's also video footage of former president Trump declaring to the United Nations that the United States would remain a sovereign nation and would not join the new world order. . . before a massive campaign on every level was launched to defame, slander, impeach and arrest him in order to remove him from office as POTUS and prevent him from ever running for office again. 

His crime was opposing the globalist agenda as well as attempting to disrupt their criminal acquisitions of wealth and human/child trafficking enterprises. 

There have been federal whistle blowers over the decades whom have written books, given lectures and spoken, wherever they're invited to speak, across the United States to warn citizens of the machinating globalist plans to destabilize, collapse and replace the United States and every other sovereign nation on the earth with a tyrannical one world order government.

John F. Kennedy warned the American people in a speech, shortly before he was murdered, that there was a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in America and before he leaves office he planned to expose it and those involved. 

He was assassinated not many days after that speech. 

The most decorated FBI agent in U.S. history, Special Agent Ted Gunderson, retired with honors and became a whistle blower exposing government corruption, including the Epstein pedophile island decades before Jeffrey Epstein was arrested by the Trump administration, and Ted Gunderson warned citizens of the globalist machination being perpetrated against the Constitutional Republic and the citizens of the United States to enslave everyone on this earth, in every continent, under a tyrannical, globalist, one world government. 

He warned that under this new world order, the one world government, private land ownership, private weapons ownership, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and every constitutional right afforded to American citizens shall be illegal under the new world order/ one world government.

But then there was an intelligence officer tasked with investigating every secret society on earth to see if any posed a threat to the security of the United States of America and he discovered the Committee of 300. 

What he learned disturbed him so much that he wrote a report on his findings, gave it to his superiors, and it was kept hidden. His career was persecuted for finding and attempting to expose these wealthy, totalitarian, globalist conspirators whom machinate to collapse every sovereign nation from within then reign them in under a totalitarian one world government that's puppeteering the United Nations. 

His report on the Committee of 300 was suppressed, kept in the intelligence archives, for many years until it was declassified. 


These are the conspirators responsible for erecting the Georgia Guidestones Manifesto (a globalist manifesto).

They fund and arm any revolutionary groups, Marxist communist groups, Ideological Subversion groups, Islamic Jihadi terrorist groups, Cartel Narco-Terrorists, Bioweapons blamed upon animals and mass illegal immigration, for the purpose of destabilizing nations, collapsing economies, destroying nations from within, for the purpose of restructuring them as part of the new world order: one world government.

Their plans will effect every single sovereign nation, every continent, on earth.

Their goal is driven by greed, power and covetousness, to own and control all the earth's land, water, air, resources, produce and the people whom occupy this planet. 

They are the enemies to every man, woman and child upon this planet. 

Their plot is to enslave each and every one of you. You'll own nothing and you'll submit and obey. . .if you desire to exist on their planet, living under their tyrannical one world government. 

Before this old CIA report was declassified, you may have declared this article to be the ramblings of a conspiracy theorist. 

Isn't that what the government always does to whistleblowers and rogue journalists? 

Brand them as conspiracy 'theorists', despite compelling evidence, in order to turn the public attention away from the Intel being presented and then distract the masses with bread & circus. 

The titanic was sinking even while the entertainment kept playing music to distract the soon to be deceased from the reality of their tragic fate. 


♣Rendezvous with Destiny♣ 



September 2023

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 To repeat the same thing over and over while each time expecting a different result is the oldest definition of insanity. Every democrat socialist communist nation on earth followed this cycle throughout history. Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union and Maoist China.

Capitalism is what humans naturally engage in if they're dropped into a wilderness far from civilizations and must survive by being united.

They'll innately resort to free trade, trading skills, acquisitions and labor with each other.

Crony-Capitalism is the corruption of capitalism by solipsistic gangster types whom lack morality, often possess atheistic beliefs, and will sell anything and everything for a profit.

This is best reflected by organized crime syndicates and corrupt government bureaucrats whom currently traffic human beings, such as women and children, kidnap & ransom, illegal organ harvesting of captives, using force of threat or violence to push people off their land so that resources (such as lithium, as the communist Chinese government pays Mexican Cartels to extort or murder Indigenous families in Mexico to seize their lithium rich lands to fuel Communist China's desire to control the lithium battery industry).

Capitalism in it's natural state is innate to humans and is the best and oldest economic system. It's Quid Pro Quo.

But Capitalism corrupted, without morality, ethics and fear of divine retribution of one's actions in this life becomes Crony Capitalism in the hands of gangsters. Which we see most clearly in the illegal human trafficking industry. And we see less clearly in cases where politicians abuse their authority in pay to play schemes, peddling their influence, just as the current POTUS J. Biden and his son H. Biden have been caught doing.

Capitalism is human beings' innate and best system for a healthy economy but must must be guarded from criminals perverting it and engaging in crony capitalism (selling one's sister for money).

Communism is a political system whereas Capitalism is an economic system.

Democrat Socialism is an economic system that always becomes communism, a political system, once implemented by the people.

Communism historically begins as Democrat Socialism , Socialist Democracy, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism and recently as we have seen in Venezuela.

It's been tried numerous times, failed, holds the world record for human rights violations, mass genocide (even more than the Nazi, nationalist socialist party of Germany, murdered. . .which is no small feat) and communism has historically destroyed it's own heroes of the revolution because communism always accompanies extreme paranoia.

Communism also always accompanies atheism and any religious faith in Creator/God is persecuted by the people's communist government.

So under communism there's no freedom of religion, no one has autonomy, no one is a sovereign human being, your children belong to the state, not to you, you have no human rights, no religious rights, if your neighbor wishes to increase their stipend by snitching for the government they may lie against you and claim that they heard you criticize the communist government So in the night secret police come to take you away to be tortured until you confess to these allegations.

If your neighbor wants your spouse, they lie against you by telling the secret police that you criticize the communist government, you're disloyal to the communist party, and you will disappear. . . Now the neighbor is free to move in on your spouse. . . These are real things that happen in communist countries.

The communist countries weaponize criminal gangs, send them out as enforcers for the communist government leaders. Just as seen now in Venezuela.

Communism values the machine but not the cogs, since cogs are replaceable, so individual rights are non-existent and you exist only to serve the machine of communism where the elite leaders in communist government live like spoiled, fat, children off the labor of the hungry masses.

Communism recreates the old feudal oligarchy system of hungry peasant laborers, middle class military and upper class spoiled rulers.

There's no way for a peasant to grow his own garden then trade the fruits of his labors for things that his family needs, without being charged for crimes by the communist government.

No way for an artist or artisan to produce anything and trade it for himself to provide for his family.

So many peasants are forced to become criminals under communist rule. And secret societies of criminals thrive under such oppression making criminals of people merely seeking to practice free trade for food, tools, medicine, machine parts and other necessities whom are forced to create a black market for these common necessities.

So in many communist countries we also see an epidemic in sexual prostitution among highly educated people because they must provide for children and aging parents or grandparents.

In Cuba there are women whom are medical doctors, nurses, and highly educated professionals by day whom are forced to be prostitutes by night in order to acquire necessities such as medicines, food, materials for home repairs, etc.

This also happens in Venezuela and everywhere where communist governments rule over the people.

The anarchist utopia of humans living without rulers, without government, without leaders, is a novel idea that only works in fantasy.

We saw them attempt this experiment when they created their anarchist utopia in The Chop inside Seattle Washington during the summer of 2020.

Human beings in a large mass can seldom agree upon what they all should have for lunch, if everyone must eat the same thing, much less agree upon socio-economic issues.

Human beings are not generally altruistic beings but more often are solipcicious, machinating and self serving.

Human beings will more often than not fight for what benefits themself, their family, their ethnicity, most at the expense of others.

This is why the anarchist utopia fails and why democrat socialism fails and always results in oppressive, totalitarianism, under communist tyranny.

Capitalism, the lesser of all the economic evils, given human propensities to be solipcicious and greedy, fails only when gangsters or criminals exploit the free trade market by creating a black market of illegal trade (selling one's sisters) or when career politicians exploit their positions of authority to peddle influence and engage in pay to play schemes (such as POTUS Biden and his son most recently were proven to be guilty of) and there's no judicial agency willing to hold such criminals accountable for their crimes.

That sort of “Crony-Capitalism” is what gives Traditional Capitalism it's critics. And it's always due to corruption in government leaders and never due to a corrupt, failed, economic system like Democrat Socialism.

Capitalism is an economic system, not a political system.

Socialism is an economic system, not a political system.

Communism is a political system that always flows out of the economic system of Socialism.

Socialists have no objections to wealth, as seen by the millionaire founder of Black Lives Matter, by millionaires Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, nor millionaires such as Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, and other leaders of socialism.

Rather it's others having wealth which they strongly object to.

To every socialist reading this, let me pose a question to you, “How much of your labor and income do I have a right to take?”

Communists historically start by calling themselves Democratic Socialists, Socialist Democrats or the People's Republic.

It quickly devolves into a tyrannical form of government with a broken economic system resulting in indigence and hunger.

Communism, by removing competitiveness and a system that rewards individual effort, destroys the ambitions of great thinkers, great minds and innovators.

Innovators are often seen as a threat to the collectivism of Communism and a threat to the regime leadership.

In communism the nail which stands up gets the hammer.

So democratic socialist communist nations never lead the world in medical, scientific, engineering, innovations but rather it's capitalist economic systems which traditionally encourage innovative people and fuels innovations.

The Airplane, the medical Heart Pump, the Telephone, the Television, the Pacemaker, the CT Scan, the MRI, the Helicoptor, the steel Welding machine, the Train, the Combine harvestor machine, the cotton gin, the automobile, the submarine, GPS navigation, the video games that millenials & Zoomers like so much, the camera, the video camera, the computer you're reading this on, chemotherapy that saves many cancer patients and many of the medical innovations that save human lives, are developments of capitalist economies in nations that practice free trade capitalism (not from toxic crony-capitalism).

In capitalism the farmer trades with the craftsman, artisan, who trades with the merchant who trades with the doctors, teachers, scientists and engineers.

Everyone is nurtured and everyone benefits whom participate in a capitalist economy.

When the young western communist living in a capitalist economy buys video games at game stop, buys a smart phone or a lap top, or a star bucks coffee that purchase provides jobs to the vendors, the manufacturers on the assembly line, the truckers whom transport materials and goods, the companies whom mine and process the raw materials, the sales & marketing executives whom market it and to the individual who handled the transaction at the register.

Capitalism provides jobs which provides for families and individuals required to survive on this planet.

In remote villages where pseudo-primitive people still live in tiny communities far from the rest of the world, where they have no stores, no shopping centers, no electricity, no modern convenience, they are found to engage in capitalist free trade.

The successful hunter trades meat with the artisan who makes baskets, clay water pots, arrows, bows, blow guns & darts, weavers whom weave clothing or sleeping hammocks, whom then trade their goods with the traditional herbalist medicine person, who trades their medicinal knowledge & gathered medicines for food from the Hunter, fisherman and farmer.

It's a natural symbiotic relationship witnessed even in some animal societies.

Free trade aka capitalism is a symbiotic economic system.

Crony-Capitalism (selling your sister) is the criminal version of Free Trade Capitalism.

Democratic Socialism only works in very small communities, small tribes, small villages but even then we witness that those democratic socialist economies in these tiny villages, tiny tribes, still allow for a capitalist free trade.

In example, they share the tribal or village corn fields where the men or the women (depending the culture) work the fields.

Then the other gender tends to creating artisan works needed by the village or small tribe, such as pottery ware, baskets, black smithing tools, carving tool handles from wood, collecting & preparing plant medicines, weaving textiles for clothing, blankets, etc.

Individual families raise livestock.

Then the artisan works are free trade items to trade for meat or other artisan items.

The communal garden or communal grain fields are distributed among everyone's family ‘whose family participated in working the fields'.

Those whom are disabled or too old to work the field may receive grain from the communal fields if they're immediate family members contributed to the labor in the fields.

No one gets a free ride in these sort of societies and that's very different from the western world where certain able bodied individuals may refuse to participate in the labor work force of their state but still receive tax funded assistance from their state government budget. . . which often contributes to increased state debt.

For our democrat socialist readers and full fledged communist socialist readers let me correct one more error in closing.

The United States, for example, is not a Capitalist country by no means. 

That's what communist subversives preach but it's not factual.

*The United States is a hybrid country that is both Capitalist-Socialist. 

It's the best of both worlds, thus millions risk life or limb to illegally immigrate there annually.

*The United States is a Free Trade Capitalist Economy with Socialist Assistance Programs for the disabled, elderly and injured whom can not participate in the labor work force for these reasons.

*The United States of America combine Free Trade Capitalism with Socialist Assistance Programs. . .That's the actual system practiced in the USA. 

However, just like Free Trade Capitalism can be exploited illegally by Criminals engaging in Crony-Capitalism. . . Socialist Assistance Programs are also exploited by criminal minded people in the west, even by employees working in the socialist program offices, to fraud the tax payers and give assistance to able bodied members of their family, community and ethnicity while denying assistance or reducing assistance to others whom legitimately need assistance due to physical disability or mental retardation that prohibits them from providing their labor to the national work force.

Some have justified this fraud to me by claiming it's reparations for something their ancestors suffered in history long before these people today were born.

Criminals always justify their crimes, so perhaps the west becoming communist could succeed in stopping the epidemic of those defrauding the socialist assistance programs since under communism even the disabled are forced to work or they're left to die.

In a communist country drug dealers, gangsters, caught engaging in narcotics or human trafficking are put to death by the state. 

Dope dealing is actually a capital offense in communist countries. 

In a communist country professional athletes, entertainers and musical celebrities are not given millions of dollars for their performances but rather receive a stipend that by western standards would be poverty level wages.

Perhaps the communist pro-athletes, entertainers and musical celebrities in the western world whom ascribe to communism because it's trendy would do well to experience it first hand for a decade.

Perhaps all the western countries filled with what communist kgb referred to as “useful idiots” , whom have been willfully indoctrinated with #IdeologicalSubversion tactics, should get their wish and have to experience communism first hand for at least a decade. . . then, if they survive that long, we may hear them claim once again, “But that wasn't real communism.”

It's akin to a pimp telling a prospective victim they're attempting to recruit for the pornographic film industry, those prolific horror stories of film set gang rape, torture, STD's, drug addiction, human trafficking and suicide epidemics aren't the real porn industry. The real porn industry has never been tried yet.

Repeating the same thing over and over each time expecting a different result, use to be the dictionary definition of insanity when I was growing up.

Communism has been tried for more than a century , across the planet, and each time it's failed horrifically, causing it's citizens to risk life & limb just to defect. . .yet real communism hasn't been tried yet?

You're free to remain a wanna-be communist but realize that's insanity.

And stop calling yourself a Communist if you've not yet lived under a communist government cause until you have lived under communist rule you're merely a wanna-be-communist whose been indoctrinated by machinating agents of ideological subversion.

You're not a real communist yet.

Immigrate to Cuba or Venezuela then you can call yourself a real communist.

"Rendezvous With Destiny"


Further reading: Whom Is The Biggest  Threat To Our Constitutional Republic of Liberty: Communists or Globalists? 


Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Link Between Black Majik And The LGBQT+ Community

        Many years ago, When I was in Tennessee, I knew a death metal musician who collected the most expensive , old and rare , black magic, books/grimoire. He even owned one alledgedly bound in human skin. 

       He let me research his several grimoire books which detailed how to sell one's soul to acquire powers of darkness, how to summon & banish demons, how to perform majik rituals for power.

What I learned in those ancient books is that homosexual sex majik rituals is one of the highest forms of black majik to gain demonic power (possession) and so they engage in homosexual rituals & homosexual marriage rituals to sell their souls.

       The only higher form of black magic than homosexual sex rituals & homosexual marriage rituals is sex magic rituals involving raping children.

      Especially homosexual rituals with children and babies.

        So if this is part of the oldest black majik books in existence then I learned that homosexuals are demonic possessed people whom sold their souls to the kingdom of the devil. And that homosexuality & pedophilia are connected. 

         I learned in black majik books that homosexual marriage is a demonic ritual just as homosexual activity is a demonic ritual to sell one's soul and invoke demonic possession.

I also learned in those oldest black majik books that they have rituals to summon demons but the only way they can banish demons is by invoking the name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth.

So even in Satanic black majik books they know that Christ Jesus of Nazareth is the only one with authority to cast out demons.

So I learned many things about what Americans are being fed as normal, to tolerate and to not hate, is actually demonic Satanism of the highest kind.

       And politicians whom protect and promote these things such as LGBQT+ culture and homosexual marriages are demonic possessed.

      Christians whom defend and accept these LGBQT+ people are embracing Satanism and invoking curses upon themselves.

Churches that accept these demonic possesses homosexuals as friends, church members and even let them hold positions as praise & worship team members are invoking curses , provoking God's wrath and are entertaining demons.

There's a reason that the San Francisco homosexual men's choir published a song threatening that they're coming for the children.

       Those are demon possesses men and those demons are singing and threatening to come after the children.
        Those aren't men saying that.
         Those are demons in men's bodies saying that. 
  This is why the LGBQT often include a + after LGBQT acronym. . . to include pedophilia. 

         The ultimate goal of the LGBQT satanic kingdom is to legalize pedophilia, which is their highest form of sex majik in the satanic black majik books.

         The LGBQT community are ALL demon possessed witches practicing black majik and Christians have bought the satanic lie these are normal people just wanting to be left alone to live their lives freely. 

         Christians even take friends from among the LGBQT demons. . . entertaining demons. 

         There's coming God's wrath upon this country for these things.
           It's going to be horrific. 
            It's coming.

Churches whom have feared losing their federal tax exemption status , losing their lucrative tax free dollars, have made a pact with the kingdom of Satan to not preach against the satanic LGBQT kingdom of darkness by justifying that they must keep their tax exemption status in order to reach the lost so this justifies their agreeing to not preach against the LGBQT kingdom of Satan.

So as not to offend the enemy and invoke government retaliation taking their tax exemption status .

The lgbqt+ is the kingdom of Satan and not a kingdom Christians should be tolerant, accepting and loving towards. 

I've seen churches that allow demon possesses homosexual men be praise & worship leaders or to play piano for the church services and sing in the choir.

I've met Christians, even children of church pastors, whom hold among their closest friends demonic possesses homosexuals.

They believe this makes them loving, accepting, progressive Christians but the scripture of God warns us that God and the world are emnity with one another.

There can be no unity, no tolerance, no friendship, no alliance between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. 

We are entertaining demons of the kingdom of Satan by being progressive, accepting, tolerant Christians whom accept demonic members of the satanic LGBQT+ community as our friends and undelivered members of our church family. 

God's wrath has been kindled by this and even by the Christians whom have attended demonic homosexual black majik ceremonies. 

Joel Olstein publicly admitted he would attend a homosexual marriage ritual. . .a satanic black majik homosexual ritual.

He certainly felt forced to say this under fear of losing his lucrative tax exempt status and his extensive material wealth. 

For the love of money is the root of all evil.

Separation of religion & state no longer exist in America for the satanic religion and the government are openly united now in America .

Political correctness, which intimidates many Christians, is a weapon of the satanic kingdom which rules the U.S., U.K. and E.U. governments. As well as the U.N. government of the one world order. 

May the Lord return soon before His wrath is poured out upon America.


By: Author N. Cognito 
in association with AnDrew Soldier 
June 2023