Friday, April 29, 2016


~La Reconquista and Liberal propaganda is being spread like wildfire and being accepted as facts and regurgitated by the ignorant or naïve without doing any historical, cultural, or indigenous research on the matter...Here's the truth about the real history concerning their propaganda.
~The Aztec Empire stretched across central and southern Mexico and included many indigenous languages and cultures in 'central and southern' Mexico. The Spanish invaders and millions of African slaves came later. More Africans were imported into Mexico than into North America, what is today referred to as the United States. Then later came the French colonists along with many Asian immigrants.
~The indigenous Aztec empire, indigenous Tarumara, indigenous Huichol, indigenous Zapoteca, Mizteca, Ramamuri, or any of the other indigenous tribes of Mexico were 'never' indigenous to any of the lands today that make up the United States of North America.
~The Southwestern states, the Liberals and hispanics are claiming to be the indigenous homeland of Mexicans, are and always have been the original homeland of indigenous tribes and Nations like the Caddo, Apache, Comanche, Navajo, Pueblo tribes, Zuni, Hopi, Havasupai, Jemez, Kiowa, Maricopa, Mohave, Paiute, Papago, Panamint, Pecos, Pima, Shoshoni, Sobaipuri, Tewa, Ute, Walapai, Yavapai, Yuma, and others (some whom are now extinct).
~In fact, when the Spanish-Mexican Government invaded the lands today known as Texas ( 'Texas' pronounced "Te Shas" in the Caddo language, not Spanish Tejas as many Hispanics claim), New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, California, and Nevada to take control by force they were just another invader among a series of invaders and they battled constantly against the home-land security forces of these aforementioned 'indigenous' tribes whom wanted to drive the Mexicans 'back' south across the Rio-Grande to where 'their' homeland was. In fact, it was the Mexican Army who attacked and murdered the family of the Apache man Goyathle' and drove him to take up arms against the Mexican invaders and made raids across the border into Mexican towns to attack them where they lived, as they had done to 'his' family without any cause other than the desire to 'conquer' and 'seize' what was not there's to take. Which later the U.S. Government, following after the example of both the Spanish and then the Mexicans, decided to play the illegal invaders and murder or enslave all of the indigenous people of the land that they 'coveted'.
~Mexicans are often either indigenous people from the land that is now called Mexico, or more often than not they are a Hispanic mixture of the indigenous tribes of the land 'south' of the Rio Grande, African, and European (mostly Spanish and French). There are many also of Asian decent due to a large influx of East Asian and Lebanese immigrants.
~So please, when you hear these Liberals, or Hispanic/Latino Reconquistas, or the naively-ignorant who parrot everything that they read on social-media or heard from propaganda, preaching that Mexicans are 'Indigenous' to the lands north of the Rio Grande in what is today called the United States and that they're not 'illegal' immigrants because this is 'their' native homelands offer them some actual historical facts that are not bent by Spanish, Mexican, or Anglo-American history (propaganda) as you've just read here. And please do it without emotion, sarcasm, or frustration. People will respond to calmly proposed facts better than they will to emotional preaching or angry protesting, if they'll listen at all (but bless the few whom do), and please don't be one of the ones whom propagate this propaganda being spread by Liberals and the Reconquista's, because the indigenous tribes and nations still living north of the Rio Grande know the true history of this country...even if the Mexican-Reconquista's and the Liberal Anglo/Afro-Americans have deceived themselves with their own propaganda.
~Now here is another truth being ignored by the Liberals and the Reconquista's. Guatemalans, whom are all descended from or still belong to the Mayan people, are indigenous to parts of southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and other Central American countries and yet they are 'not' permitted to illegally immigrate into Mexico nor any other countries surrounding Guatemala today. In fact, and I've personally befriended many, they are arrested, sometimes tortured, and deported back to Guatemala when they are caught 'illegally' entering Mexico for a chance at a better life. For Guatemala's people, Mexico offers a better economy and a chance to start over. For Mexico's people the U.S.A. offers a better economy and a chance to start over. When the U.S.A. collapses will Mexico allow 'illegal' immigrants, even Hispanic-Americans, to 'illegally' invade their country south of the Rio Grande to escape a collapsed economy?
~Well, if they wont do it for their indigenous Guatemalan neighbors and cousins they most likely will not do if for you...Quid Pro Quo.