Wednesday, March 25, 2015


~Whatever you pursue in life if you're only interested in creating or leading sheep than examine the motives of your own heart.

~In the Infantry we have a saying, " I am my brother's keeper." That implies that each of us are shepherds, even when we stand down and let another lead the way for awhile...We are not sheep but rather all shepherds whom take turns leading but always ready to take either the primary lead or sec...ondary lead.

~We are strong because we do not train anyone within our brotherhood to be a 'sheep' but rather we train and encourage everyone within our brotherhood to a be shepherd. When we are only as strong as our weakest link we don't want mindless followers but rather leaders whom are ever ready to take the lead while acting as their brother's keeper. Contrary to outside views we are not leaders and followers but a culture of leaders all working together while taking different leadership roles at different times. Always evolving and never stagnant.

~This mentality and culture is what America needs today...Whether you are a boss at your company, a teacher at your school, a worker for some corporation, a parent, a religious minister, grandparent, social worker, or instructor you can find ways to lead by example and teach or inspire those around you to be leaders rather than followers.

~If anyone, outside of your Creator almighty, desires you to remain a follower under them than I'd question their motive. For a good leader and a good teacher should be working toward molding you into a good leader and a good teacher in your own right, so that you can go and do likewise with others~



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