Sunday, January 22, 2017

Is Christ Jesus (Y'e'shua') The White Man's God?

~Y'e'shua' (Jesus) was born unto the tribe of Judah, to a middle eastern Hebrew woman, raised in the middle eastern (asia minor) region of Galilee in the town of Nazareth, and his first disciples were also Asian/Middle Eastern/Asia Minor people of the Hebrew people of various tribes. None of which where white/caucasian men or women. He is 'not' the white-man's-god nor contrary to indigenous Native American people, as some would have believe.
~His teachings spread throughout the entire world and HIS sacrifice was for 'all' nations. Traditional Native teachings from many tribes in the Americas, including my own people, tell of a dark man dressed in white clothing coming here and preaching to the people thousands of years before the white/caucasian men of Latin Spain, Anglo-England, France, etc. came by ships to our homeland...
~There is only 'one' Creator and HE belongs to 'all' nations as all Nations belong to HIM. The Hebrew Y'e'shua' (Jesus) was not white nor exclusive to the white man. It is the nationalistic arrogance of men that make them paint portraits of Christ Jesus (Y'e'shua') as 'white-caucasian' and even as 'black-african' when in fact he was a middle-eastern Asian Hebrew man, from the Judah tribe, whom taught that HE was in fact the Creator come down from the heavens, born into a human body, so that HE could suffer as we all do, overcome this world and sin for our sakes, and sacrifice HIS human body for the propitiation for our sins and reconciliation of our souls back to our Creator that all men might gain eternal life, live eternally upon the 'new' earth under the 'new' heaven, in a glorified 'new' body, where the Creator will no longer dwell hidden in the third heaven but will dwell upon the 'new' earth with His people forever, where there will be nomore sickness, wars, disease, cruelty, hard work or death for all whom accept His sacrifice and believe upon His historically documented resurrection from the dead and seek a relationship with Him through communion with the Holy Spirit. aho~emen.
~The European Roman Vatican, Joseph Smith Mormans, American Black Hebrew Israelite Cult, Church of Yahweh, and many others may have hijacked the gospel and perverted it for their own worldly, selfish, agendas but the UNADULTERATED teachings of Christ Y'e'shua' (Jesus) are certainly not the exclusive property of the Caucasian man nor did they begin in Europe. Peace be with you. aho~emen.

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