Sunday, January 22, 2017

Did Disciples of Christ Commit Genocide In The Americas Or Were They False Flag Operations By The Roman Vatican?

 ~When I hear or read people talk of 'Christian Genocides' against indigenous Nations it sounds like an oxymoron if we in fact define 'Christians' as 'followers/disciples of Christ-Jesus' (Y'e'shua').

~The term "Roman Vatican genocides" would be more accurate, historically (not Christian genocides)..In the beginning a Christian refered to one whom followed the UNADULTERATED teachings of Christ Y'e'shua (Jesus) and nowhere in HIS teaching...s does he condone violent conquest, slavery, murder, or genocide. He taught HIS followers to love one's neighbor as themself, do unto others as one would want others to do unto them, pray for one's enemies, do good to those that despitefully use you, and to practice compassionate love toward all people.

~Nor do the UNADULTERATED teachings of Christ Jesus coincide with the teachings, or historical practices, and atrocities of the Roman Vatican Catholic organization and their Jesuit agents.

~Therefore 'anyone' or any cult/organization: Roman Vatican, Jesuits, Mormans, Muslims, Anglican, etc. etc. whom commited such atrocities are NOT disciples of Christ-Jesus (CHRIST-ians) nor followers of HIS gospel.

~There are MANY enemies of Christ Jesus and for thousands of years now they have committed 'false-flag' operations (atrocities while flying the banner of Christ Jesus) but anyone that has ever studied the teachings of Christ Jesus (Y' e' shua') understand that these reprobates are operating under a false flag and are not following the teachings of Christ Jesus by any means. (Just as the televangelist Prosperity Teachers of today who pervert the teachings of the Gospels).

~In fact: Historical research will show you that the Roman Vatican sadistically tortured 'and' murdered multitudes of followers of the unadulterated teachings of Christ-Jesus (Y'e'shua'), which they called Christians, under the pretense of herosy against the Vatican organization and the Roman Vatican POPE. Then they later committed the same atrocities under the false flag of 'Christ' when they came to what they now call 'The Americas', further slandering the name of Christ Y'e'shua'/Jesus and perverting HIS message. (Romans 2:24) ... Peace be with you.


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