Friday, June 2, 2017

***Respected Vs. Feared***

"To be respected must never be confused with being feared."

~My dad taught me this but I didn't always practice it because society teaches us that it often pays to be feared by the more docile or by those whom would simply rather avoid trouble.
~The man who doesn't fear civil or legal ramifications seems to be freer to impose his will upon others, seems to have more 'friends', and often seems more exciting to women because he feels he can just punch his way out of any trouble or dispute which arises from his brazen and bold behavior, even when he's imposing and disrespectful to others.

~He may think others respect him but in reality they fear him or fear getting into trouble because of him so they appease him, try to win his friendship, or avoid him.

~"In today's world many men confuse being feared with being respected."

Hoo-ah Til The End,

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