Thursday, June 19, 2014

'Modern Society's Emulation of Criminal Subculture'

   There seems to be a huge influence of the criminal subculture upon society in America today that seems to be an epidemic attitude among many of the younger people in the U.S.A...Gangsta rap music, Hollywood films glorifying street thugs and gangsters, along with an epidemic use of mind altering substances create a large culture of ghetto mentality.
    It permeates society so much that people from all walks of life use the terms 'pimping', 'thugging', 'thug-life', and 'gangsta' without even understanding the meanings nor implications of such words which come from a subculture that is 'anything' but glamorous...We honor cowards like pimps who engage in human trafficking and rape. Gangsters and thugs who engage in murder, pimping, rape, kidnapping, extortion and attacks on families....We honor them by listening to their songs, raps, and enjoying their over glamorized stories on film...We emulate their dress codes, manner of speech, and mimic their rhetoric while also claiming to be spiritual people of faith...Television and popular music influence the human mind so subtly that one doesn't even realize they've been indoctrinated until even the most humble of communities find gangster/ thug subculture in their speech or mannerisms.  

   And we dismiss it as just being part of the new fade, trend, or hip hop style...Since when does calling someone a 'Pimp' become a compliment? Or saying someone is 'pimping' is meant as a positive thing? Why do we refer to ourselves as 'thugged out', 'gangsta', and 'thug life' when we don't even truly know what that means?
    One whom has lived among real gangsters, thugs, criminal syndicates, pimps, and sicarios understands that their is NOTHING to admire from that culture and their is no glamour in it to be found.

    It will leave one sick to their stomach, disturbed from sleep, haunted by evil spirits, and unable to see the world with blind, innocent, eyes ever again...So let us emulate not the wicked and cowardly, but rather the brave, kind, generous, compassionate, loving, and wise in our speech and mannerisms. 
   Rather than putting on the appearance of wickedness let us put on the appearance of good.

   ♣Peace be with you all♣

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