Sunday, April 21, 2013

Vandana Shiva on the Problem with Genetically Modified Seeds | Moyers & Company |

Vandana Shiva on the Problem with Genetically Modified Seeds | Moyers & Company |


  1. This woman is a wise, well spoken,warrior against the absolute greed and corruption which prevails upon the earth and is propogating death and destruction upon the earth. May she find much success and recieve many blessings throughout her life journey. It has been found in independent lab studies that genetically modified corn causes renal kidney failure in lab rats. Also, GM (genetically modified) produce has been modified so that it will not reproduce. Once the mature fruit or vegetable is used and it's seeds held back for sowing, they will not bear fruit. Thus Monosanto corporation has monopolized agriculture in an attempt to make the entire world dependent upon their corporation for seed & food. And the GM produce has detrimental health side effects, as well as GM pollen produced by GM agriculture is causing death to the bees and butterflies which pollinate our crops. This is a recipe 'for' world hunger and not a remedy 'against' it...A bribe taken in the bosom perverts justice and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When the pollen of monosanto crops planted near independent farmers pollenates the independent crop, being carried by wind or insects, Monosanto demands legal testing of their neighbor crop's DNA. Once proved to contain Monosanto's GM agriculture DNA within the cross pollinated independent agriculture, they then file copy right infringement against their neighbor and demand compensation which often results in seizure of the independent farmer's crops and complete farm. This is the gangster style art of war as practiced by the Monosanto Mafia. And due to Government corruption and share holder interests of government officials Monosanto Mafia has been given immunity from any legit investigation and prosecution for their crimes against nature. In the end they will not be the cure for world hunger but a major contributing factor in the cause of world hunger. Once the bees and butterflies are all sick and dead who will pollinate our crops? Will Monosonto Corporation then champion themselves as providers of jobs to the indigent by giving jobs to the jobless in manually pollinating GM crops, as we know is already being done in present China, using chicken feathers dipped in GM pollen? What kind of 'spin' will Monosonto devise for damage control once their cause of such a large global delima is divulged and proven to the people? It has been prophecied by many indiginous, agrarian, peoples and prophets that the world will be found in a global epidemic of hunger and drought which will be the cause of global war. Perhaps, God forbid, Monosonto Corporation and their propogators will be responsible for the greatest famine and world war ever in the history of mankind since the beginning of creation. We have a saying in the Infantry that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to stand by and do nothing. Are we going to continue to stand by and do nothing as a majority? Our lives and the exhistance of our grandchildren's lives are at stake due to our enemy's political and corporate greed and corruption. Our democracy has been hijacked by forces whom hide their totalitarian face behind the mask of democracy. They sit in conference and prick their fingers and burn the taro death card as they corrupt justice and pervert the earth and her bounty in the name of their god: 'GREED'. And they sacrifice the harmony and integrity of the earth and the future of mankind to their god...Truly, the 'love' of money is the root of all manner of evil. :(

  2. Cree Indian Prophecy: “When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money.”

    It's getting to the point where anything you put in your mouth can kill you in one way or another!

    Awareness is our greatest ally towards action!

    Strength and honor brother,

    Alex Kruz

  3. This is very wise and sadly true words brother. The problem isn't just the greed of the few but the lethargic complacency of the many. We not only need to encourage awareness but also personal lifestyle changes. Maybe we can reverse what's been done to our earth and ourselves, but perhaps the giant corporations have aquired so much political power that we may never be able to bring about the change needed to stunt this devestation. I do not know, nor am I qualified to make an indepth analysis.
    This is why we must live each day as though it is our last, for we are going to all face our own personal death in time. It may be tomorrow or it may be today. Noone knows their time. Death awaits us all and no amount of money or political power will negate that. Let us walk in faith, hope, and love towards one another so that we may face our own death with confidence and not terror when our time comes. We must give account of our actions in this life and our inactions as well.
    Thank you for your encouraging words & blessings brother! I greatly appreciate you reading my writings! (Thank you.)
    May you recieve strength & honor all of your days as well brother! Many blessings! aho!

  4. Well said. I invite you to read my blog and articles. I think we have some common grounds. Please Google: and also:gloria eagle/seeker forum
    I will try to provide a direct link:

